
Well Known Member
Some people swear by the pneumatic squeezer, but how handy would it be for aluminum work involved in the QuickBuild Kit? Are there a lot of applications for it when building the empennage kit?

I've got the toolbox on order for practice, and it'd be cool to try out the hand squeezer, gun and pneumatic squeezer for back-to-back comparisons.

I did a slow build kit (RV-10), but there probably are still plenty of places that you can use the squeezer. Especially if you have not driven a lot of rivets, the squeezer is much faster, and more consistent. Once you set it for the material every rivet will be the same. Driving rivets takes a lot longer, as do the hand squeezers.

Not a must have, but I would not build a kit without one.
Get a squeezer. Do not not get a squeezer! :D

I had QB wings and fuselage and there are hundreds of places you will use it. Empennage, wingtips, cowling, canopy if you go a tip-up. Much better results than I can do myself unfortunately...
Plenty of input already, but I concur. I'm doing a QB 7A and use the squeezer whenever possible. I've got one of the Hydro-Pneumatic ones from Cleaveland Tool. Light weight and easily controlled.
Get a used one if you have to and sell it when your finished. I bought a QB project and still use mine a lot.
I built my slow buil -9 with a hand squeezer and never felt like I needed a pneumatic squeeze. Some people build without a squeezer of any kind and just drive all their rivets. However, that doesn't help with dimpling.

Whichever squeezer you get a long reach no hole yoke and a longeron yoke.