David Clifford

Well Known Member
Hello all. I'm sure this has been kicked around before but I would like some advice from those building, or have built an RV before, if a pneumatic squeezer is good tool investment. I'll be building an RV-10 and am assembling a tool collection for the building now. The Browntool squeezer special buy on the left looks like a good price. Which size yoke(s) would you folks recommend? Thanks for the help!
Absolutly. Get a 3 inch, longeron, and 4 inch "no hole" yokes, that should cover it. You couldnt pay me to set all the rivets on the spars and such with a hand squeezer.
I've built quite a few airplanes, rebuilt several and repaired many more. If you were to come and take tools away from me, my pneumatic squeezer would be the last to go.

David, I posted this same question some months ago and yes the pnuematic squeezer that I picked up from Browns is a VERY "nice to have" tool. once set up...every rivot looks the same (good or bad) ;)
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Get one now!

Best tool there is for building aluminum planes!

Don't forget to get the adjustable set holder because this is what makes the tool usable. Also, set it so that it is completing the rivet in the very end of it's stroke because this is where the squeezer makes its pressure.

3", longeron, and no hole 4" will be great like g-force said. If you get the Avery hand squeezer also, the yokes are interchangable which makes it nice.