
Well Known Member
After 110 hrs of flawless operation my 114 series pmag heat indicator turned gray. I noticed after a refueling on a 80 f day when I removed the top cowl to troubleshoot the unit after it would not work. I did not realize at the time that heat soaking on the ground could cause the unit to not work. So I reworked what appeared to be a faulty ground wire which took about 45 mins. fired up; the pmag was working and flew 1/2 hr to base. Thinking the ground was the culprit.

But when I got home curiosity got the better of me and when I tried to restart the hot engine after 10 mins or so the pmag would not work. So now I figure it's the heat and sure enough this evening after flying a 1/2 hr. In 58 degree temp I let it sit w/ the oil door open fired it up and at first the pmag was not working as evidenced by 0 rpm's on the tach, but after about 20 seconds of air being pushed down my 1" dia. Blast tube the pmag came on.

I guess my main concern is did I damage the unit by overheating it and thusly making it more prone to shutting itself down? I am perplexed because I have flown the pmag in near 100degree f conditions with the same blast tube set up without any problems. The blast tube is aimed right at the juncture of the pmag and accessory case. Should I add another blast tube with the intention of keeping the accessory case cooler? Or perhaps a cooling fan of some type?
Contact Emag and get that thing in for service!

I have 700 hours on mine and have never had a heat soak issue and I live in the south.

Your blast tube should be adequate but the intermittent operation is unacceptable.

I just had EXACTLY this problem less the discolored heat indicator.

See this thread http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=125784

The problem is a timing magnet mis-alignment error and tolerance level set too tight (firmware?) and has everything to do with the exact vintage of the units.

Call Brad at E-MagAir and he'll take care of you.

I sent both my units out last Tuesday next day air. He turned them around on Wednesday (fully upgraded both units) and I got them back yesterday (Friday), installed them last night and went for a test flight.


Hi I did read your post and was thinking the same thing.
Went out today 80f all was good for short flight. Shut down pointed into wind for 1/2 hr and no pmag on restart so taxied around on Slick mag and after 5 min. Pmag kicked in as evidenced my tach indication. Ran it up to 1600 rpm all good but on full power check ran real rough and almost died. Throttled back taxied in and pmag is ready to send in for IRAN. Thanks.
Was not heat soaked

Max temp was 160. Heat was not an issue same problem as Jesse as stated above.