
Well Known Member
So there I was, doing my normal run-up and forgot to turn the ignition switch to "BOTH". The climb seemed a bit off and had me scanning gauges but all was normal. I climbed to about 5k' and while leveling off and pulling the throttle back there was a slight hesitation and an after fire. After doing a quick scan of my undies I proceeded to the gauges where all was normal. I descended back to Thun and landed. So far it was all good. I was doing another run-up in front of the hangar and discovered the switch at "R". Went to "BOTH" and everything seemed happy.
For those of you still awake (I'm sometimes long winded) does it sound far fetched to think the pmag retarded enough when I pulled the throttle that it didn't do a complete burn for a moment, causing some unspent fuel to go into the exhaust and then igniting?
I'm calling emag this week but I'm curious about others experiences like mine?
BTW, on it's own, I was still climbing out at about 1200fpm at about 125mph so that's a good spark!