dick seiders

Well Known Member
In the course of installing wings the canopy clearance with panel changed a hair and when I raised canopy a piece of plexi chipped out when it made contact with top of panel. A 1/2 in long crack ensued right in the center of canopy front coming up behind the fibreglas lip I installed per plans. My question for all of the plexi knowlegables out there: Where do I find a plexi repair kit? Better yet how do I make the repair which I dearly hope is doable. I have already drilled the required stop crack hloe. Thanks for any feedback.
Dick Seiders
Hey Dick

Can you post a good picture ? I covered up a 'problem' area, and it has worked very well.

John Bender
Stop drill alternative

1500 miles from home we got a crack 10 inches long right above our heads. The 1st thing the local glass & plexi shop told us; rather than drill the hole, make it with a red hot nail. Results in stress relief during and after. The hole will be much bigger than the nail (or wire) so 3/32 might be a good thickness. Later I used a patch kit from Aircraft Spruce. Practice on scrap. Our crack was lateral from the center tube on a 6A slider. Repair is still good 4 years later. Good luck!

Fiberglass resin mixed with some glass beads as I recall. Sanded it down, and painted it. I'm not sure I could find it now.

John Bender

Jokn, sorry about the no picture I always have trouble with that. I have repaired the crack using Polyflix supplied by A/C Spruce as suggested earlier. It looks good aside from my getting a trifle too much filler on, but seems to be a solid repair, and I will try to buff out the very small mark it left. If it holds up I will recommend it as it is easy to use, and total kit cost was about $40.
Dick Seiders