
Well Known Member
Readers may recall this thread http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=67276 regarding the development of an engine plenum for my RV6. Sadly my RV has gone from a ?slow build? to a ?very slow build? so I still don?t have any flight report or performance figures to offer.

What I do have that I don?t need any more is the pattern I developed to make the plenum mould. This has been sitting at work gathering dust and is no longer of any use to me so it will soon be heading for the rubbish bin. That is of course if no-one else wants it?.. for free?.. sort of!

The pattern is still in good condition. It?s made of CSM fiberglass and polyester resin and is pretty solid. It will probably need minor tidying up before taking another mould. It is designed for a Lycoming 0-360 A1A fitted with the standard Vans baffles that have been cut back to allow a relatively smooth transition to the standard Vans cowl inlets . It fits my installation nicely but I cannot comment on how well it would fit any other aircraft.

Now here is the catch! I don?t want any payment for the pattern, but I live in New Zealand which is a long way from anywhere, so shipping would not be cheap and anyone taking this on would have to cover this cost themselves. I do not see the need to make this offer available to anyone in NZ because if local builders want a plenum like mine I have the mould and they could far more easily come directly to me for it. There has been some interest from overseas for this plenum but as I indicated above, the shipping cost makes it too expensive to sell from here.

My thought was that if someone, say in Aussie or North America, wanted to take on a project to make a tooling mould from this pattern, cheap good quality plenums could be made by individuals or maybe as a chapter project, and the tooling could perhaps be passed around for others to use?? I have done the time consuming part making the pattern and I?m not looking to make any money out of this. I would like to think that someone could take this on in a spirit of goodwill for the benefit of other home builders, not necessarily ending up out of pocket financially as a result, but keeping whatever profit they make relatively small.

Lastly, this plenum design has not yet been flight tested so no guarantees about the design as far as flight performance goes. That?s where the ?experimental? bit comes in.






Any takers, or should I just bin it?

Kind regards
Clive Whittfield
New Zealand
Don't Bin it yet....finding a suitable taker for possible production may take a while. So don't give up too quickly.

You have a very nicely made form which could be used to create a part-time builder who is not ready to sit down and retire

Save the form even if you don't get the response you firsts hoped for you may find the right man/woman to take this opportunity and run with it.

Don't lose touch on this project I'd really like to see in in production and flying soon.

Glenn Wilkinson
It might be fun ....

Clive -
I would like to take a look at your pattern. While I am not a fiberglass guru, I do have a bit of experience with composite construction. At this point, my main motivation would be coming up with one for my RV6, but who knows what else might happen?

Still available

Any takers on this? It's inching ever closer to the rubbish bin.

Clive Whittfield
Last chance...

It's been a while and so far no takers. Last chance folks, it could be a good project for someone but I cannot hold onto it for ever, so it will be going in the bin after this weekend.

Clive Whittfield
Do you have any idea how much it would cost to send it to north Florida USA?

The RV-8 I mentioned in another thread that is for sale has one very similar and the owner is very good at fiberglass work. Located at 3J1 , Ridgeland, SC.
PM if interested in contact info.

I have a 6A that needs a plenum and it is ready for install.
If we can figure out a way to get it here without breaking the bank, I'll take it.
Sent you a PM with contact info

Dave A.
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Good to see someone take over this plenum pattern, because Clive has certainly done beautiful work:

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