check 6

Please welcome me as I am now the proud owner of an RV 8. After many aircraft and over 40 years as a pilot I have gone from certified to fantastic.... and for an old fighter pilot that is something. Why didn't I build, because I want to fly and getting into the RV world late that's what I plan to do. But, tinker also I will do and perhaps decide to build an RV 8 to make it better from what I learn. Anyway I have been lurking and reading and now she is mine and what a graceful ship she is. Thanks for all the information you all have shared especially Norm Rathje my neighbor and owner of RV 7A 55YF who has significantly contributed to my education.
Be Proud of Your New Ship

Nothing wrong with buying. Sometimes a builder has to sell for various reasons and their lucky to have people like you who can and want to buy. Welcome and I hope to be in the flying club soon.
Welcome aboard.

I bought my 9A also, not I have the bug to build. That's why I joined VAF, I can hear all those rivets being pounded and it makes me want to join in.
Welcome, Jack!

Seguin, huh? Isn't that were Robert Earl Keen lives. There's a reason to fly down for lunch <grin>.

Welcome to the funnest hobby slightly above Earth.

Probably a common decision...

For me, I'm buillding. QB... yes. For the purists out there, I realize that I am taking the easy road (man... after the emp, I can't believe anyone built before the CNC pre-drilled era). Easier road again is buying, and yes, I considered it.

My decision tree started out with me wanting to own. Cert planes didn't seem right, in the value for money equation. After some time (approaching a year) of surfing this site and others, I came to the realization that building, in and of itself, is of interest to me. The "hobby" aspect of building resonated with me, hence, I'm building and looking forward to a super bird at the end of the process (flying also resonates with me).

That said, I have total respect for buyers. If there is one thing I've learned from this group, it's that its half about buildling RV's, and half about flying RV's. You've got the better half in hand.

Though I (given my decision) believe you're missing out on the building part of the experience, I'm sure that you'll have lots of fun in front of you flying your newly purchased steed, and for that, I wish you nothing but luck and welcome you, as much as I can. I leave it to the flyers to welcome you proper.
Semi Buyer Here

I was lucky enough to find a RV6A that was mostly done, so I get to finish it just the way I want it...

Of course the day after I put p-mags into my IO-XP360 I read about an RV-7 having a mysterious loss of power that could be p-mag related :eek:

Not too worried really. I am exited about completing this plane in short order. I am building a cruiser with full interior, heated seats, a whirl wind prop, Grand Rapids EFIS, etc.

I just can't help but to put this picture up again.


Welcome to the group. Great fun. After two plus years I am still in the slooooooooooow build process. So all I got to say is how come ya got one of that I got parts of....anyway....go fly a roll or two for me!

Frank @ sgu RV7A NOT DONE !
Welcome aboard. Texas is RV country so you'll have plenty of chances to meet other RVers. And since you picked the best RV to own IMHO ;) you'll have the time of your life.

Happy Flying

Welcome, and congratulations.

I am still building and having fun at it. I do look forward to flying. :)

There is so much collective info on this site that sometimes its almost too much. :eek:

Sometimes when I use the search for one subject, I get so many listings that it could take a long time to read them all.

If I don't read them all, how can I tell if I have obtained the best advice :confused: ?