
When my wife and I decided to shop for an airplane to suit our needs, one of the reasons we chose Van's was because of the camaraderie of the RV community. It seems there's not an airport in America that doesn't have a Van's A/C sitting on the ramp or inside a hanger somewhere on the field. Along with that fact is this - you can be sure, the owner of that airplane is a good guy/gal who is always willing to extend a welcome mat for any other RV owner to stop by for a visit.

Now that the two of us have the opportunity to travel our RV-12 we're looking for that place on this forum where the RV community extended that welcome mat. It was sort of informal, but the invitations were from all over the country. And when my wife and I saw that we said - this is the place for us.

I've been looking for those posts, but I can't seem to find them anywhere on this site. Am I missing something? Has that subject been retired to the circular filing cabinet? We're hoping not, cuz we finally have the time to see America from the comfort of our 12. We're looking for those out there who share our love of all things "Van's." And we're looking forward to reading those posts again, and making new friends as we live the good life in the country we love.

Best Rgds...........Ski & Cathy
Very welcome, glad to help.

I suspect you might also get response to a post along the lines of "Traveling to XX and looking for a place to stay the night"
Good Advice Mike. We're currently living in Florida and this spring we hope to head out west as we have friends in Nevada. It'll be a long trek, but with stops along the way it should be fun. By the way. Our 12 is in a trailer and we've just made our first 500 mile trip (1000 miles all totaled) this past week. It was a blast. We would have been weathered in, but the trailer saved us from a week of IFR weather.

Ski & Cathy