Well Known Member
The Alaska Airman's Association is having there annual show in Anchorage on Saturday May 5th and Sunday May 6th.

My son Jason and I will only be exhibiting on the 6th.

We would be very happy to have anyone that may be in the area stop by our booth.

I'm at home right now so I don't remember the #, but I know its close to the EAA booth in the Fed-X hanger. I will post the # tommorow.

Jason has been to many shows with me before but this will be his first show where he is offering his services. I told him if he helped me move 500 books and the rest of my stuff I would by his plane ticket.

Here is what he has been doing very successfully for over 6 months now, and it just keeps getting better.


I wonder where he got that entrepreneurial spirit from? :rolleyes:

I am really plugging his ability, because he's really good at what he does, and heck, maybe next time he will buy my plane ticket.
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Our booth #

I'm at home right now so I don't remember the #, but I know its close to the EAA booth in the Fed-X hanger. I will post the # tomorrow.

The booth will be # 224, we will be exhibiting on Sunday May 6th only.

Hope you can be there. :cool:
Had a great show!

Jason and I were at the Alaska Airman's Association's annual gathering/trade show. We were right across from the EAA booth.

It went very well, we handed out 412 reference books, plus cards, sticker, and tri-folds. We met many current and new customers.

We brought 500 books and donated the rest to University of Alaska Aviation Department.

Jason's graphics business was well received but since most people weren't expecting a graphic business at the show they had no immediate requirement but received many business cards that will lead to future possibilities.