
Well Known Member

I am doing some consistency testing for these devices for an issue that I have interfacing with the SL-70. If you have one of these that you are not going to use and don't want to keep around, please let me know, I'll pay shipping and take them off your hands.

Please use the serial number first to take advantage of the Dallas Avionics offer if you want - that is NOT my goal here. I'll even send them back if you really want to keep them.

I have a couple SL-70's for my testing and I need a couple of -0012/-0013 boxes as well.

There are a number of us that have written and gotten approval for Alternate Methods of Compliance to continue using these with external position sources. So far 4XXW, 480, 5XXW, 650, and 750 series Garmin devices are approved. Since the Avidyne devices also output ADSB+ format, I expect that a recently submitted AMOC will get approved as well.

If you have one of these and are not planning to use it - let me do some testing with it. I have one that has an issue with the SL-70 interface - I want to find out if it is an issue with the serial port or the software....I'll pay shipping both ways if you want it back after testing.

If you have one of the AMOC approved devices in your panel - you can use the -0012 and -0013 with it past the 'expiration' date.