Mike S

Senior Curmudgeon
I am lucky enough to live in an airpark, and I know many of you out there in VAF land do so also. And, I know many of you are planning on moving to an airpark in the future.

Vans Homecoming is held at an airpark even.

O.K., guess that proves that this is RV related:D

The ongoing battle with the FAA over the airpark issue (through the fence) needs your support.

It sounds like there is going to be legislation introduced to stop the FAA action, but that is never a sure bet, or a quick process.

Please comment on the issue of "through the fence" operations at this site.


For some stupid reason, known only to the FAA, if indeed it is even known at all, one of the big concerns expressed is that airparks are "incompatible" with airports:confused::mad::confused: Issues cited include noise complaints. Yet a Freedom of Information Act query to the FAA failed to show even one noise complaint from a resident of an airpark.

For those who have missed it in the past, here is a link to an organization that is working to protect our ability to live in our chosen locations.


Thank you all very much.
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Objections Sent

Thanks, Mike, for your call to action.

I objected to the FAA's proposed action via the link you provided.

Best Regards,

Bill Palmer :)

I also sent an e-mail to my Senators & House members.

Mike, you have been the VAF garbage collector long enough, you need a promotion to VAF Sanitation Engineer. ;)
For some stupid reason, known only to the FAA, if indeed it is even known at all, one of the big concerns expressed is that airparks are "incomparable" with airports:confused::mad::confused: Issues cited include noise complaints.

Did you mean to say INCOMPATIBLE with airports? If not, I guess I really dont understand the issue.


Issues cited include noise complaints. Yet a Freedom of Information Act query to the FAA failed to show even one noise complaint from a resident of an airpark.

I live in an airpark having 99 residential lots and all roads are taxiways. About a third of the lots have homes. There are actually two home owners who don't want to have anything to do with planes. :eek: One of them actually called police to report that an airplane went past her house! :eek:

I am confused.

Does this new FAA Compliance Manual apply to totally private airparks with private runways, or just to public airports that allow adjacent residential areas to have access to the airport?

Joe Hutchison
Duchy Airpark (5NC5)
Here's your sign

I live in an airpark having 99 residential lots and all roads are taxiways. About a third of the lots have homes. There are actually two home owners who don't want to have anything to do with planes. :eek: One of them actually called police to report that an airplane went past her house! :eek:


Wow! Jeff Foxworthy said it right... "Here's your sign!" Anyone who moves into a magnet community (airpark, equestrian, 55+, etc) and then complain because of the magnet community activities needs a big sign placed in thier front yard!
Wow! Jeff Foxworthy said it right... "Here's your sign!" Anyone who moves into a magnet community (airpark, equestrian, 55+, etc) and then complain because of the magnet community activities needs a big sign placed in thier front yard!

Bill Engval.:)
This does NOT apply to private airparks. It only applies to airports which have received FAA funding for projects. As an airport manager, I've been working to create an airpark development but with this update to the manual, the FAA guys have said "no way". Hopefully we can get them to ease up on this....but I'm not holding my breath. Please follow the link above and tell them what you think.
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Does this new FAA Compliance Manual apply to totally private airparks with private runways, or just to public airports that allow adjacent residential areas to have access to the airport?

Joe Hutchison
Duchy Airpark (5NC5)

It applies to any airport that has taken federal $$$$, private or public.

And just because an airport is privately owned, doesnt mean it is not public access. Such is the case where I live.
And just because an airport is privately owned, doesnt mean it is not public access. Such is the case where I live.

Yes. Ours is public access but the airpark (and runway) are privately owned. Some time ago I asked in our association meeting why we couldn't get Fed funds for the runway upkeep and was told by someone in the know that we didn't meet the Fed setback requirements for minimum distance between houses and the runway. I guess now I'm glad we haven't taken any Fed assistance, but don't have any idea how we, as a private airpark, will be able to repave our runway without a humongous assessment for each property owner. I guess the only landings allowed here for the foreseeable future will have to be real squeakers. :D