CJ in EP

Active Member
Time to register the aircraft, I bought the guide book published by the EAA, followed it to the letter, and mailed my documents via certified mail on July 8th (was told by the postal employee it would arrive on Monday, July 12th). My $5.00 check was deposited and the certificate was mailed on the 15th, and it arrived on the 19th.

An eleven day turnaround? Out of the government?!
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My registration turned around in about 10 days as well. From start to finish my application for airworthiness inspection online to inspection complete, 3 days. Repairman certificate, 2 days. Waiting for the hard copy in the mail now.

Everyone is working from home it seems and they are doing great work... maybe there's a change in the wind.
No dis intended!

The purpose of my message wasn't to disparage the good folks working for the government, but instead to pass the word that our registration process seems to be working quite well. And the feedback from wcalvert is even more encouraging!

The 90-120 days that the EAA advises we should expect to wait doesn't seem to be the case these days.
The FAA Registration office in Oklahoma City does, and has always given top priority to initial Aircraft registrations.