
Well Known Member
while waiting for the 406 ELT's here in Canada, I want to get a PLB.
THe Spot is available 'free' right now, but are the other $500 with no subscription better?
Does anyone use one; what are the real costs VS capabilities????
Is it practical for a club to share a couple, as long as the current user is recorded?
The new McMurdo FastFind 210 PLB w/GPS is $300 and pocket sized. I'll be looking for a deal on one at Sun 'n Fun.
The PLBs and SPOT use the same satellite technology, so I dont think there is a quality difference with respect to their message sending capabilities. While SPOT is subscription based, it offers a tracking function and limited additional non-emergency message capabilities that I dont believe the PLBs offer. If subscription charges irritate you but you want tracking capabilities, consider the PLB and add a separate APRS tracking device.

Both PLBs and SPOT systems have limitations in that they may not be able to effectively transmit a signal from under a vegetative cover and they do not self-activate upon impact. Both of these limitations can be overcome by user activation prior to impact.

I have a McMurdo FastFind Max-G. It has GPS. The PLB seemed to me as the simplest way to go. No subscripton, and you can use it anywhere. This worked best for me, not knocking any other ideas. The antenna that is
deployed when activated is not condusive to activation before impact. I just
hope I survive to activate it :eek:
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PLB deployment

there's the rub....if you don't survive the impact, activation is moot, & there's really no big rush to locate you???
(...notwithstanding your loved ones.)
Thus the $1000 ELT's will happily chirp away the EXACT location of your remains.

Now I can sleep, knowing the government has once again taken care of me.

As usual gang, we have to $olve their problem$.
Short answer to your question - I use an ACR PLB, and Louise carries a SPOT in her plane.

Longer aswer - I am comfortable not having tracking - I can activate the PLB very quickly before I go down, and it is plenty rugged. the battery is good for 5 years, and the unit cost about $550. The Spot will cost you $150 per year, and has tracking - very nice if you have someone waiting around for you every day. Louise uses hers to let me know she's on he way home so I can meet her out in the back with something cold from the fridge - very useful! Since she flies to work several times a week, the annual cost is worth it!

From the standpoint of emergency use, remember that the SPOT tracking goes out every 10 minutes. An RV can travel a LONG way in that time, and airplanes are very, very tiny to rescuers. For rescue, either one will probably get you found as quickly - so long as they are activated in Emergency mode, and survive the crash!

I too use an ACR unit, it has GPS of course. Each unit is registered to a specific user (phones, addresses, etc) are submitted. Downsides, expensive, replace the battery every five years, must be deployed. Upside - transmits GPS Coordinates when deployed. On long cross countries. I unfold the antenna on mine and set it in a specific place...most of the time. If not, it's always in the vest I wear when I fly.
I'm also a strong believer in APRS. Imagine the resolution in coverage the APRS network would have if every RV'er (or even one or two per state) put up an igate!!

For now, and for me, this combination of devices gives me the best assurance of being located when I want to be. Each has an on/off switch...and each doesn't take long to "warm up".

I don't care much for paying monthly subscriptions...but I do it for music and wx!!
Spot and 406 MHz PLBs do not use the same satellite technology. They do for the position element but transmittal to a human system is done via a low orbiting comm system for Spot and polar orbiting or geosynch satellites for the PLBs.

Someone had a good dissertation of all the systems.

I have a McMurdo Fastfind plus (GPS) and plan on adding an APRS system. I have no faith in ELTs working...121.5 or 406 MHz.
Actually there are differences

Spot is a commercial venture and as such sells the safety concept. They are a great product and I have one. I like its tracking capability as a starting point in aviation SAR. But, it uses Globalstar satellites (the same Globalstar that offers Satellite phone service) for tracking. When you activate the 911 feature it is monitored by Spot who then calls SAR. They have had a few "misses", but they are evolving quickly. In short, it is a good product but it is not the "same" as a PLB.

PLB's OTOH are a product that uses the official SAR COSPAS-SARSAT emergency satellites that is funded by the taxpayers and is globally monitored by SAR personnel. It also is built to international standards and has a homing signal ability that the Spot does not have. If you activate a PLB it is monitored by SAR personnel with no middleman and its a gold standard for rescue - thats what its legislated and designed to do.

Finally, costs. The PLB's prices are falling fast - $400 or less now. They need a new battery every 5 years and otherwise cost nothing. A Spot needs 1) to buy it (Sometimes they have offers - mine was free with a subscription). 2) you have to buy a annual subscription (99 or 149 a year - the extra is for tracking). 3) Batteries - a Spot uses Lithium AA batteries that are good for (in my use) about 6 months. A PLB has a 5 year replacement guideline (doing mine now - looks like just under a $100).

I think if you average the costs over time to see which costs less to operate, the PLB has a greater up front cost, but a lower cost of ownership over time.

Good luck, they are both good. But this may help make a informed decision.

There is a very good comparison here that tells the difference.

I have a PLB that I bought a few years ago. I think if I had to carry one, the PLB would be my choice. I carry both. Good luck.

The PLBs and SPOT use the same satellite technology, so I dont think there is a quality difference with respect to their message sending capabilities.
I looked at the following website to get some info on the McMurdo FastFind.

It shows some pictures of the unit. Is this a "use once" device? Can it be reassembled? Its a little more than simply pressing a button. Is the ACR unit like this?

Tom RV-7A N175TJ Flying
PLB's etc

Some good leads here guys.....

Looks like a bunch of the PLB's are not yet certified for use in Canada, because, you know, our air and dirt is SO different! ( Freakin' regulators!)
That is, you can buy one, but not register it?
Any canucks out there who have run into this issue?

apparently the current 'Nascar' promo for SPOT does not include Canada.
Hmmm. Back to the dogsled I guess! :)
I just bought a Kannan 406 PLB with GPS. It has a push-to-test feature for the 121.5 which is transmitted as well as the 406.
The PLB combined with my APRS and flight following constitute my "lost pilot" plan. My pax are briefed on the equipment and I tell at least three different people to monitor my APRS track when I embark on a long XC.
I also carry a fire extinguisher and emergency survival pack in the plane.

"Better to have and not need, than to need and not have."
SPOT special offer not for Canadians???

For all you Robby Gordon #23 Fans out there who wanted to buy a SPOT plb on their current special offer, looks like there is no way to buy thru the US site, and have shipped to Canada, ( presumably to 'protect' our retailers?)

If anyone finds a workaround by tonite, ( end of offer) please let me know!


....was just the promo code for some reason...sorry Robby! ( I'm just a little sore that MY Camry doesn't get the babes like his seems to!!?? :)
SPOT messenger PLB on sale

just bought one at London Drug, $119 cdn, plus went for the 3 yr warranty, which seems wise on electronic ****.