
Well Known Member
needed a bracket for carb heat on the Cub




Thang is perdy handy now an again :D

decided to go ahead and work up some heater floor diffusers while I was in the mood.



Good idea. Now design a door hinge pocket cover, and I'll be all over it...and a keychain tool for popping open the gas caps...

few more pieces

The only available heat currently for the cabin is one 2" heating air duct through the firewall. The idea is to distribute more of the hot air to the rear seat than the front. The front guy always seems hot and rear cold.

The slot facing the floor is to heat front seat with the 2 small ducts splitting to feed warm air to rear seat.

2" duct feeding all this will likely not be enough....




Thermal plastic and heat

What is the maximum air temperature verse the plastic deformation temperature of the thermal plastic?
What is the maximum air temperature verse the plastic deformation temperature of the thermal plastic?

There are also significant flammability, smoke, and toxicity issues to be aware of when using ABS. Something to keep in mind when using around the firewall or heat box.

this stuff is awesome, and inspirational for us guys hoping to retire some day. ( fantasizing now about a hangar with scads of tools & gadgets like this....)

........so, how much, really, in airplane dollars, if a guy wanted one of these parts?
If I go out and get a printer, I know a little CAD etc....but will it cost $100 for resin ( and a few spoiled pieces) for a useable $5 duct?

:) just askin'!
Oh, no - not at all. Check out the prices of kilo spools of ABS, PLA and even nylon on Amazon. "1.75mm filament" is what you want to search for.
Oh yeah, 3D printing is quite cheap nowadays. And will be getting even cheaper.

Just use it for things that won't matter if they break...
What model 3D printer are you using and where did you purchase it from
Regards Bill

I have a Hictop "Prusa" which is a China knock off the original Prusa. Have no complaints but it does have its limitations. From Amazon. Quite a fun science project to get it assembled, calibrated, and configured.
They are amazing.

I have had so much fun with my daughter?s, including printing the plunger and button for my conversion to manual flaps...still playing with AOA vane, haven?t installed it yet.

I enjoyed the design side enough though that I just bought and built a little cnc router kit. Still working out glitches on it though...

Print on!
Where do I start

3-D printing is fascinating but I have no idea where to start to learn about this let alone trying to set up a design. Where would a guy like me with absolutely no knowledge go to start the learning process?
Bill, the best place to start would be the free version of Solidworks that the EAA offers to its members. There are tutorials within the Solidworks Help (within the program) and many, many YouTube videos if you want more. Once you have some ability to make a part in Solidworks, look around for someone near you with a 3D printer, and have some parts made.