Jim P

Well Known Member
I recently picked up a Contour1820p HD camera and have been playing with some resolutions and mounting options. Using a Zulu-mounted "JimCam" (laser alignment is really cool), some nice Pacific Northwest scenery, a late afternoon formation practice flight, and cheap Windows Movie Maker software, I was able to produce http://vimeo.com/14578089 as a first effort. Way too much fun!
Jim: Loved the video...Pierce is such a great place for RV flying. I was in the area about this time two years ago on company business and couldn't believe what a cool place you guys have there. Got my first Rocket ride there during that visit, I'll never forget it.

Very nice!

Thanks alot for sharing! Nice job and nice flying!

Looks really professional with those written comments in beetween too!
Very nice video!! I particularily like the selection of music for it. ...had me playing the "airbass" the whole time! ...good thing no one could see me!!
Nice video Jim! The Contour camera is a really good camera. With that camera, you can get a lens accessory kit so you can add screw in filters on the lens. With the GoPro I've had to jury rig mine so I can add a filter to fix that weird looking prop from CMOS chips. Do a search for - 37 mm nd filter - and you'll find several places where you can purchase one.

To make the prop look normal using the Contour you'll probably need a neutral density filter that is ND 2.0 (6 f-stops) on sunny days. That's what I need for the GoPro to make the prop look pretty close to normal. If you get the ND.90 (3 f-stops) you could possibly screw on two of those to get the 6 f-stops. It'll take some experimenting to get the right combination, but, that's where the fun is and you'll have a nice looking prop spin.

If you need any assistance, I'll be more than glad to help, just give me a shout.