
Well Known Member
Does anybody know of a way to get the recorded DEMOs on the Hx to play on a computer? Playing the DEMOs on the EFIS drains the battery and is of limited usefulness since you have to sit in the aircraft to watch the whole flight.
Not the actual display, which I think is what you are asking. But data is straightforward. e.g., I recorded data during flight, where I slowly leaned the mixture. Save the data to the memory stick prior to shut down. Take the memory stick home, read the data out into an Excel file. From there it is easy to plot EGT vs Fuel Flow for each cylinder, see which cylinder peaks first and which last, and by how much. Use the data to make a first cut at new injector sizes, with the goal of getting all cylinders to peak together, to make for smooth LOP operations. Stuff like that, it's very useful.
If I'm reading this right, I think Jack was looking at playing back the actual flight data (roll/pitch/heading, airspeed, altitude etc) rather than post-processing and analysis of engine data.

If my interpretation is correct I'm very curious to know whether the raw flight data can be played back on a PC as I've been wondering this awhile myself. I'm also curious about the use of the Flight Data Recorder-style data captures which can be configured and whether somebody has developed a PC model which would allow this data to be played back.
I've never heard of it being able to play on anything but the display. Also, once started I've not been able to stop or rewind. If you have large files this takes forever in real time.
I've searched the net for a solution. But as of now, I haven't been able to find a program to display the video flight DEMOS on the computer instead of only on the EFIS. I asked Greg from GRT at Oshkosh if one existed and he said he thinks that there is one out there but it is a third party program. He suggested looking on Vansairforce.
GRT DeCode will allow you to show a flight on Google Earth but it doesn't show the EFIS display.

Years ago there was software that allowed you to fly using Microsoft Flight Simulator and the GRT display would work as if it was in the airplane. Greg or Jeff may have a copy of that at GRT. It also required hardware to interface the display and computer.

Best bet is to keep an eye out for a used display. Or perhaps see if GRT will sell you an old display that they have taken on trade. An old WS or HS display would suffice.

Jim Butcher