
Well Known Member
While the two were enjoying an obligatory shopping trip at the local mall, my mother-in-law spied this item on sale and casually asked my wife "Do you think Rick would like this airplane calendar?" Linda took a double take and said "Mom, I think that's an RV-8 and an RV-6. He built both of them!"

When they presented the calendar to me, I was as surprised as they were. Thumbing through its contents, I noted most of the pictures feature a familiar certificated general aviation airplane. The same RV-8 photo chosen to adorn the calendar's cover is featured for the month of November '09 and to me at least speaks volumes of the photogenic quality and general acceptance RV's have enjoyed while occupying its unique niche in our fascinating world of aviation.:)

On a similar note, if you've time to kill visit http://www.airliners.net/search/index.main scroll the search field and select "Van's." Enjoy thumbing through nearly 1100 high quality images of RV's found flying in various countries around the globe.

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Did you get any credit in the calendar? Do you know they guy who took the pictures or what circumstance brought two of your planes together for the photo shoot?

It seems like there must be a good story there somewhere.
Did you get any credit in the calendar?.....
I guess I should clarify. I did not built those two particular RV's. Even more specifically, I did not build a -6 as mine is an -A model but that is a subtle distinction the general public including my little blue haired mother-in-law could care less about.:)