
Hello all,

Getting ready to install the platenuts for the tank attach screws on the main wing spar flanges (-8). I'm confused about which platenuts are which... When I inventoried the kit, I had 210 in a bag that matched up with the K1100-8's for the tank attach screws. But now that I'm getting ready to install them (countersinking was done first, using a backing plate), I'm not sure that I have the right ones.

in the picture below, the one on the left is what I have 210 of, that were labeled as K1100-8. The middle was in a bag that matched up with K1000-8 (only have about 35 of them). But then the one on the right matches up with a K1100-8 (only have about 15-20 of them).

Can someone help me figure out if I have the right ones? The ones on the left in the picture will fit, since the holes are already countersunk, but I don't want to use the wrong ones and have to drill them out.

Thanks much!
Get the Blue Book from for a great reference for ALL hardware in the shop :). Here are the pages on nutplates

but this uses the new MS numbering scheme. For your immediate needs...regardless of what the bag said, K1000 are non-countersunk, K1100s are countersunk. One-lug nutplates are K2000, and "MK"something indicates "miniature".

I have to admit, I do find the "old" numbering system easier to remember than "MS21048", etc.

(Removed bit about which nutplates are used on the spar after looking at the drawings again...looks like it might be K1100s? )
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Thanks for that. I'll look for the general hardware book.

My confusion is that the plans callout a K1100-8 (countersunk), but it seems that I got K1000-8's??? But it seems like they will fit just fine. In the picture in my first post, there is a noticeable difference between the left and middle nut. the left one has a slight countersink, and the middle has no countersink.

Of all the things I anticipated being difficult about this project, it wasn't identifying platenuts..
Thanks for that. I'll look for the general hardware book.

My confusion is that the plans callout a K1100-8 (countersunk), but it seems that I got K1000-8's??? But it seems like they will fit just fine. In the picture in my first post, there is a noticeable difference between the left and middle nut. the left one has a slight countersink, and the middle has no countersink.

Of all the things I anticipated being difficult about this project, it wasn't identifying platenuts..

Go by the plans...see my edited comment above. Doh! Looks like they do call out K1100-8s on drawing 16A, detail A (for the -7 and -8).

What you're seeing as a "small countersink" really isn't...probably just a different lot from a different supplier. They're both K1000s as far as I can tell.

As an aside, if you're not doing this already, ditch the bags when you inventory stuff and just put all like parts into bin for each part in each size, nicely labelled. Will save you oodles of time.
It seems the one on the right is the correct nut plate (K1100-8). It is likely that Van's put wrong nut plates (K1000-8) in that bag which should contain K1100-8 nut plates.
OK, CAVEAT: I'm not a builder..........

You stated that you have "countersunk" the holes on the spar flanges. I'm assuming that the holes are NOT dimpled.

The nutplate (platenut) on the Right in your photo is for use if you have DIMPLED the spar. Either of the other two should work if you have only Countersunk the holes in the spar cap, and that the back side of the flange (Where you would attach the platenut) is still flat after the countersink operation.

Hope this makes sense.........:eek:
Hi Matt,

Per drawing 16A detail A you'll want to use K1100-08 for the tank skin attach platenuts.

K1100-08 are countersunk platenuts. They look like the one on the right in your picture (although I can't confirm the size just by looking at that pic.)

On my inventory sheet these were in bag 1922-1 labelled "Tank attach hardware" with contents:


Happy building,
OK, CAVEAT: I'm not a builder..........

You stated that you have "countersunk" the holes on the spar flanges. I'm assuming that the holes are NOT dimpled.

The nutplate (platenut) on the Right in your photo is for use if you have DIMPLED the spar. Either of the other two should work if you have only Countersunk the holes in the spar cap, and that the back side of the flange (Where you would attach the platenut) is still flat after the countersink operation.

Hope this makes sense.........:eek:

I would agree, but take a piece of scrap stock and check each for proper fit, as usual.

Yes. K1100-08. The one on the right. The other two appear to be K1000-08.
Vans is correct. I asked them why when I was building the wings.
If memory serves the dimpled skin slightly protrudes past the flange of the spar and needs the space in the nutplate.
I recommend putting all your hardware in parts bins so it's easier to find.
Thanks for the pointer to the nutplate pdf. I went tot he general web page and looked for what you call "The Blue Book" but didn't find a suitable link.

Can you point that out please?


There is also identification diagrams in Section 5 of the construction manual.
If you print page 5-32 and 5-33 in 1:1 scale you will have an actual size diagram of all the nutplates and blind rivets
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Thanks everyone..

It seems that Van's put the wrong platenuts in the bag (1922-1). There should have been 210 K1100-8's, but this is what I got:

I did inventory and sort all hardware into individual containers, just didn't notice that they were the wrong platenuts until now - hence why I was so confused.

Appreciate the help! I guess I don't get to rivet all of those this weekend... At least there's plenty of other work to do!

Thanks everyone..

It seems that Van's put the wrong platenuts in the bag (1922-1). There should have been 210 K1100-8's, but this is what I got:

I did inventory and sort all hardware into individual containers, just didn't notice that they were the wrong platenuts until now - hence why I was so confused.

Appreciate the help! I guess I don't get to rivet all of those this weekend... At least there's plenty of other work to do!

That expains it. Vans is really good about correcting packing errors.
While we are on the platenut topic, I've got another question..

In bag 1992-2, there were 6 platenuts, pictured here:
they are supposed to be K1000-4's for the center section attach bolts. They aren't countersunk, but the ears are different than all other K1000 series platenuts that I've seen. They are also different than other pictures I've seen online..

Any ideas?

There are a few different styles made by different manufacturers but the basic dimensions are the same.
If you print the document I posted the link to, you can lay it on top of the image and confirm.
It is also good practice to test the fastener to be used in a given location in the nutplate before installing it. People commonly have trouble differentiating 10-32 and 8-32 nutplates, and sometimes they get mixed up (even within the large packages delivered from the manufacturer).
Thank you all

Just ordered this $8 book from GAHco. Free shipping next week. If using a credit card, you need to call them first. Wish that I had known about this book a long time ago. Thanks, everyone.:cool:
Genuine Hardeware Catalog

Just ordered this $8 book from GAHco. Free shipping next week. If using a credit card, you need to call them first. Wish that I had known about this book a long time ago. Thanks, everyone.:cool:

This catalog is a MUST HAVE for builders. It has saved me many hours trying to figure out hardware. It is a great cross reference between AN (that Vans uses) and MS callouts (that suppliers use.)
The Aircraft Spruce website/paper catalog can help too.
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