
how are the platenuts attached to the aux firewall doubler? dimple the plate nuts for 426 rivits? the platenuts are on the front of the firewall?
Machine countersink the doubler plate for the AN426 rivets that attach the plate nuts. The doubler is .063 so it is thick enough to machine.
Worth mentioning that if you're doing fuel injection, you probably don't want the doubler at all, since the pump gets mounted in the tunnel instead of on the firewall (at least for the models I'm familiar with).

Worth mentioning that if you're doing fuel injection, you probably don't want the doubler at all, since the pump gets mounted in the tunnel instead of on the firewall (at least for the models I'm familiar with).

Yes. What Noah ^ said. In fact, look way forward. There is a lot of stuff to mount to the firewall and Vans doesn't specify all of it. Look closely at the proximity between the starter contactor and the fuel line penetration.

Look at the various components your system requires like the MP transducer. Vans provides a manifold for fuel and oil pressure. That needs a spot. I cut off the third port to make it smaller.
Finally, locate the shunt and ANLs if so equipped.