Robert M

Well Known Member
Sorry about the length of this but I was trying to make it as clear as possible.

Alrighty then, let's see if I can explain.... I'm building an RV-9. The Fuselage instructions (page 8-13), under the section labeled "THE ELECTRIC FLAPS" has a list of procedural steps to install the flap actuator system. About the seven paragraph down, beginning with "Make the F-766B angle, the F-785B attach angle, the F-766D Spacer and the F-767 Attach Plate.", etc.

So I go to DWG 33 to check out all of these parts and there at the center top of the drawing is the F-767 Attach Plate. Only one problem, there are no dimensions except where and how to make the bend and there ain't one in the inventory!

Moving on.... the plans (DWG 33) call for two (2) F-758's to be used to attach the F-766A Flap Actuator Channel to the seat floors and the F-767 Flap Actuator Attach Plate to fasten the F-766A to the F-705 Bulkhead. Okay, I got the two (2) F-758's in the Fuselage kit but, again, not the F-767.

Then I looked at the separate plans and instructions that came with the flap installation kit (for an RV-6/6A I might add). No mention of an F-767 Attach Plate or the (2) F-758's, but they do mention the EF-603 and an EF-604!?? Both of these parts came in the flap actuator installation kit. I presumed that the EF-604 is to be discarded in-lieu of the two (2) F-758's but what about the the F-603? The F-767 is a much larger, beefier plate than the little F-603 and I would rather use the F-767. Luckily the plans show the F-767 in full scale so I measured the drawing and fabricated an F-767 out of some .063" AS that I had.

In conclusion (yeah!), my question is.... Has anyone else, building an RV-9/9A, had the same situation?

I think the plans that come with the flap actuator install kit are designed more for a retro fit into an aircraft that is already built with manual flaps.

Another question comes to mind. What if this were the situation with the LSA RV-12? You have to build exactly by the plans - but which plans?

It sounds like most of your questions revolve around the "missing" F-767.
There is no part supplied. It must be scratch built from 2024 sheet stock at the thickness specified somewhere in the documentation. Use the drawing to scale the part size. I can't remember if both matching pieces are already prepunched. I think they are. Roughtly cut 767 to size and use the matching part prepunch holes for locating the required nutplates.

I think it was one of the last parts I put into the assy. I got the rear upright in place, and the side cover panels, the channel F-766 and possibly the two goofy looking F-758's installed (hard to remember). This properly positions the F-766 in relation to the top channel that the seatbacks rest on. Make F-767 to fit the remaining space.

I looked at my Rv7 drawing 33. It shows approximate F-767 dimensions of 11/16 and 1-3/4 for the bent leg lengths and a bend angle of 29 degrees between them. If you get it close, you can adjust to fit when you have all the other pieces cleco'd or finished in place.
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Thanks Bill and, yes, my question revolved around the missing F-767 Attach Plate. I went ahead and made this part from some 0.063" AS that I had. What struck me odd about this was that Van's did not supply the external measurements of this piece but the drawing on the plans actually measured to 2 7/16" L x 2" W.

None of the pieces (EF-603, EF-604, or the F-758's) are prepunched. After I get all of the other parts marked, drilled and in place, I will measure and mark the F-767 that I made and all should be well.

Thanks again

Hi Robert, At one time, electric flaps were strictly an option, I think starting with the -6. One thing I've noticed is that sometimes the part numbers are the same except for the first digit between the -6, -7 and -9. For example, F is for fuselage parts, but an F-687 part may also be an F-987 as well. Also, work from one set of plans or another if you have more than one. I have found differences in dimensions between original plans and pre-punched plans. Do not mix the two of them without checking dimensions very carefully. This also applies to using other builders notes &videos and what Van's supplies. Good luck.
.....oh, and to add to the continued mix, the bolt they supplied was too long. I had to make a second spacer to make it work. I'll post a picture.

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I *just* went through the same F-767 anywhere, but the master parts list shows F-767 as being made from

AS3-063 x 2 x 2.467 (or whatever the 2.4xx was, don't have it handy).

Guess what? No part AND no raw stock of that size anywhere. Further, a thorough, 2-person check of all the pick lists for all the kits and subkits for the fuselage and electric flaps turns up no F-767 OR raw stock of the correct size (and everything close is listed as being for a specific other purpose).

I was also struck by the fact that there is no dimension on the part on Drawing 33 for the -7A, but there is a dimension on the bend angle, which leads me to believe the part is pre-cut if not pre-drilled.

Even weirder...a search of the Van's web store for AS3 turns up no raw stock in the size listed in the master parts list, nor does a search on F-767 turn up anything.

I'm virtually certain that no piece, either pre-drilled or not, of the right size was shipped with the kit. I've asked Van's to clarify.
See Van's FAQ site

Sorry about the length of this but I was trying to make it as clear as possible.

Alrighty then, let's see if I can explain.... I'm building an RV-9. The Fuselage instructions (page 8-13), under the section labeled "THE ELECTRIC FLAPS" has a list of procedural steps to install the flap actuator system. About the seven paragraph down, beginning with "Make the F-766B angle, the F-785B attach angle, the F-766D Spacer and the F-767 Attach Plate.", etc.

So I go to DWG 33 to check out all of these parts and there at the center top of the drawing is the F-767 Attach Plate. Only one problem, there are no dimensions except where and how to make the bend and there ain't one in the inventory!

"The most common RV-7/7A and RV-9/9A fuselage construction question?
Reference drawing #28: In all of the following text the part references are for an
RV-7/7A. The parts F-772, F-776, and F-704 should be F-972, F-976, and F-904
if you are building an RV-9/9A."
Sorry about the length of this but I was trying to make it as clear as possible.

Alrighty then, let's see if I can explain.... I'm building an RV-9. The Fuselage instructions (page 8-13), under the section labeled "THE ELECTRIC FLAPS" has a list of procedural steps to install the flap actuator system. About the seven paragraph down, beginning with "Make the F-766B angle, the F-785B attach angle, the F-766D Spacer and the F-767 Attach Plate.", etc.

So I go to DWG 33 to check out all of these parts and there at the center top of the drawing is the F-767 Attach Plate. Only one problem, there are no dimensions except where and how to make the bend and there ain't one in the inventory!

"The most common RV-7/7A and RV-9/9A fuselage construction question?
Reference drawing #28: In all of the following text the part references are for an
RV-7/7A. The parts F-772, F-776, and F-704 should be F-972, F-976, and F-904
if you are building an RV-9/9A."

That's interesting, but unrelated to the question here. He's asking about part number F-767, not F-776.
Heard anything back from Van's about this?

Yeah, actually, they said it's made from raw stock that should have come in the Trim Bundle, said stock being the correct dimension but undrilled. Well, I dunno, maybe I used it for something else unknowingly, but they tossed in a big ol' piece of AS of the right thickness in the last parts order I placed, and I just cut a piece to size and bent it.

Those random, un-part-numbered bits of metal here and there sometimes get used for the wrong thing, I've found, and then I have to order more material :). That's especially true since I inherited a bunch of scrap from my buddy's RV-8 when he was done, and that leads to "I need to make a's something of the right thickness. Is this old scrap, though, or is it from the new kit miscellaneous parts?" LOL!

Lesson learned...take the time to go through the trim bundles and identify (and mark) what each of the pieces will eventually become so you don't use it for something else...
.....oh, and to add to the continued mix, the bolt they supplied was too long. I had to make a second spacer to make it work.

The long bolt in the bag of Electric Flap parts is not for the RV-9.
The plans (DWG 33, Section A-A) call out an AN4-16. I found this bolt in one of the other bags in the kit.
Stock for F767

For anyone else with this problem: I found the AS3 stock for F767 in Subkit #15. The sheet of 3-7/8"x11" is needed for parts F601P, F601Z, F635B, and F767. A few hours performing a good inventory and identfying all parts needed to fab from the drawings saved me a lot of these type headaches/questions.
I too had trouble locating stock for fabricating the F-767, the part that attaches the flap actuator channel to the F-705 crossmember (DWG33). As others found, the parts index (build manual section 4) calls for a piece of 0.063 sheet 2 x 2-7/16", but there is no stock this size in the inventory. I couldn't find the larger sheet mentioned in post #12, so I've probably already used it.

What I did find in the inventory was two sets of F-631E plates (used to join the left and right halves of the forward and aft sections of the cabin frame (tip up roll bar). One set came in subkit 17, the other came in bag 810. These plates are the right thickness, and are slightly larger in both dimensions than the F-767.