
Active Member
Hi all
I am involved with a school RV12iS build here in NZ. We are waiting on the finishing kit that we have been told is still a few months away and we are rapidly approaching the stage where we will be ready to join the tailcone to the centre section. The plans say that the joining instructions are in section 25 but that section details seat back construction. What is puzzling is there seems to be no other section detailing the joining of the two parts however there are details on how to mount the fin and tail plane which seems a bit odd without the two parts joined together.
Can someone at this stage let me know if the details come with finishing kit. I have a 6 and tried looking in the store to see if could access any plans but no luck.
Thanks in advance
See 38iS/U-07 and beyond

That mating takes place in section 38. See 38iS/U-07.

You can find that manual section on Van's website under Support/ Safety & Service Information. Select the RV-12iS & Revisions and Changes. Scroll until you find Section 38iS

Best Regards,
Thanks Eric

That’s just what we need that section was not supplied so I guess it will come with the finishing kit.
I will download that section and we can at least see what we can do until the kit arrives
It's much easier to drill the flaperon torque arms before putting on the tailcone! See page 5 & 6 of that same section.
Yes that’s the sort of info we were looking for. We have managed to get the brakes and fuel system in place prior to putting the sides on the centre section and it has made the job a lot easier than our last build. We were also looking at getting most of the wiring put in while we have easy access.