
Well Known Member
New wing kits come with predrilled Z brackets.

The instrx say"cleco the tank to the baffle. The fit between the spar, baffle, tank skin should be perfect. If not, elongate the holes...[sic] allow the baffles holes to align with the T-701 holes". Given everything is prepunched, has anyone had any issues with this using the new Z brackets?

Next - "Remove the T701 skin and cleco all tank ribs to the baffle. Drill the rib/baffle/attach holes full size. Use a drill stop to prevent damaging the spar".
Given the new Z brackets are predrilled to 0.125 (1/8 inch) doesn't it make sense to drill through the underside (ie: Z bracket, baffle, rib) thereby using the predrilled Z bracket as a guide. Obviously this would mean unbolting the Z brackets from the spar - flipping the baffle over - and drilling. Is there any downside risk in this? Can anyone explain why VANS has you do it the way they suggest? Is this a carry over from when Z brackets weren't predrilled?

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I did not have any fit issues with the tank, skins, ribs, z-brackets or baffles but I did use a strap to help pull the skin aft as I recall too help line everything up. I did have the pre-punched z-brackets.