
Sidney, BC, Canada
I notice that the schedule has a blank for June 30th... Is the plan to have that weekend off, or is there just nothing else happening?

As they will be at Langley, BC (CYNJ) on June 23rd, I wonder if the crew would be interested in another fly-in on June 30th at Delta Heritage Airpark, BC (CAK3), only 5 miles west of Langley. I'm based at Langley but I also belong to the flying club based at Delta, and was asked if I could find out if the RV-1 would be interested in coming out to the Delta event too.

Delta usually has a pretty big turnout, it could be anywhere from 2/3 the size up to equalling the Langley crowd on a good weather day. There will, of course, be some overlap of people due to the proximity of the two fields. Delta is the home of the local chapter of the Recreational Aircraft Association, and home to many amateur-built aircraft on a 2400' grass strip.

Airport Info:
Airport Webpage:
RAA Chapter 85:

I wasn't sure who here on VAF would be the right person to send a private message to... If the crew has other plans or just needs a break, we'll just tell people to come out to Langley to see it instead!
Hi Rob,

Louise has overall planning responsibility for the tour, and she has been traveling this week, so I can direct you to Joe Blank, our Northwest Regional Coordinator for the RV-1 tour. I don't have the total schedule in hand right now, so can't tell you how thigns would fit, but Joe can - drop him a PM, or give him a call.

Thanks Paul, if you could PM me with his email and/or phone number that would be great (or if he's on VAF, just his user id here). I'll check tomorrow when i'm at our annual clean-up day but I think we may have a hangar for the RV-1 at Delta if you need it for a few days.