I'm getting close to begin to accumulate tools. Anyone order the RV tool kit from

I really like how it's laid out (options) on the website.

i have it saved in my favorites list, but have yet to use them. looks like a nice kit though!
i've bought some stuff from them. as i recall, service and prices were good. i didn't buy a 'kit' to start with -- i bought a bunch of tools from a previous builder, trying to save some money. wound up spending a lot more than i planned -- not that the previous builder didn't give me a good deal, but there was still 'extra' stuff i needed/wanted. i'm sort of out of 'tool chintz' mode now -- if i need a tool i buy it. if a cheap one will work as good as the expensive one (or nearly so), then i buy the cheap one. but if the cheap one is junk, i go ahead and spring for the expensive one. 'tool creep' is almost as insidious as 'panel creep' on this project :eek:


FlyQXCRJ said:
I'm getting close to begin to accumulate tools. Anyone order the RV tool kit from

I really like how it's laid out (options) on the website.


It looks like a pretty decent offer. Not only is the price good at $1795 but they are throwing in the DRDT2 C Frame as a free upgrade. Not bad at all.

I am not familiar with the quality of their tools but to be honest with you, I am not able to see the value difference between a Chinese made rivet set and and an American made rivet set. But then I also have trouble justifying the higher price of a Sioux drill over an import drill. Others swear by purchasing "The Best" tools and I would agree with this when high priced power tools are concerned but for most hand tools, I say what the heck.

I think the DRDT2 dimpler makes this offer very attractive.
I bought a complete kit when I started. If to do over again, I wouldn't get the whole kit. The fly cutter hasn't been used & the snips haven't been used but once. A band saw works much better. I did get a combo belt/disk sander from the aviation dept of Home Depot. My thoery is - you can't have too many tools. You also get what you pay for.

7A Finish
I just got back from Harbor Freight and saw the mininature grinding kit I bought for $60 at ARL for $29.99. (and the thing is broke already)

try to avoid situations like that.