RV Aviator

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Failed after less than 200 hours. Internal electrical issues only let it charge at 30 amps . half the rated capacity.

I did some research and learned that the Plane Power products are from Taiwan where the B&C products are from Japan and are of much better quality.

Always interesting what you learn.
Interesting indeed....my new Vans supplied 60A PP failed after 2 hours.... runaway which blew the field fuse. Took it into a local alt/starter shop. They told me a rectifier failed taking out the regulator. Said the parts were automotive. Repaired for $100 and still working after 350 hrs.
Recent Alternator Poll on the Forum

Showed that over a fairly large sample size, alternator failure before 250 hours:

Plane Power - 28%
Vans Auto Alternators (Nippondenso) - 18%
B & C - 3%

the Nippondenso units can be purchased at most auto parts stores for under $100. NAPA offers a lifetime warranty. I'm on my fourth at just under 1300 TTAE.

B&C runs (i think) about $800 and does not have a lifefime warranty. Your choice.

Terry, CFI
Showed that over a fairly large sample size, alternator failure before 250 hours:

Plane Power - 28%
Vans Auto Alternators (Nippondenso) - 18%
B & C - 3%

the Nippondenso units can be purchased at most auto parts stores for under $100. NAPA offers a lifetime warranty. I'm on my fourth at just under 1300 TTAE.

B&C runs (i think) about $800 and does not have a lifefime warranty. Your choice.

Terry, CFI
From my point of view, when cost is a consideration, one need to look at the hassle that is involved in any of these failures. If an alternator fails at my home airport, it is not as big of a hassle but if it fails while I am on a trip many miles away, it is a much bigger hassle. Therefore I want the most reliable alternator. I have had B&C and in my last plane and my new with zero issue thus far.
My PP Alternator failed at 200 hrs, when the stator shorted out on the casing. It caused the battery management system in the EarthX battery to shut off current from battery. No flaps , no trim and fortunately no fire. The company gave me a new Alternator as replacement ( which is good ) but no explanation why the failure. I have now purchased B & C Although. Hope this is a better product.
ANL Current Limiter

My PP Alternator failed at 200 hrs, when the stator shorted out on the casing. It caused the battery management system in the EarthX battery to shut off current from battery. No flaps , no trim and fortunately no fire. The company gave me a new Alternator as replacement ( which is good ) but no explanation why the failure. I have now purchased B & C Although. Hope this is a better product.

This and rectifier diodes shorting to ground on failure are well known failure modes of all alternators and is THE reason why ANL current limiters are recommended to be used in the alternator B-Lead circuit.

I'm coming up on 1200 hrs on my 10 yr old 60 amp PP alternator with no issues. Whether you have problems or not might not be simply a matter of brand, it might be a matter of vintage.
PP Alt failures

”From my point of view, when cost is a consideration, one need to look at the hassle that is involved in any of these failures. If an alternator fails at my home airport, it is not as big of a hassle but if it fails while I am on a trip many miles away, it is a much bigger hassle. Therefore I want the most reliable alternator. I have had B&C and in my last plane and my new with zero issue thus far.”

That is a big issue in our country due to the tyranny of distances between major population centres & scarcity of maintenance facilities (FBO’s) , & most likely there will not be spares immediately available.

“I'm coming up on 1200 hrs on my 10 yr old 60 amp PP alternator with no issues. Whether you have problems or not might not be simply a matter of brand, it might be a matter of vintage.”

Good luck to you however IMO & experience its like a lottery ( & should not be that way) , I’ve replace 8 PP alternators in the last 16 months for various customers, including my own, & I NEVER want to buy them again. YMMV obviously ��
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This and rectifier diodes shorting to ground on failure are well known failure modes of all alternators and is THE reason why ANL current limiters are recommended to be used in the alternator B-Lead circuit.


Not seeing these types of failures frequently (or even infrequently) on genuine Densos with genuine Denso parts inside on customer and friend's airplanes or cars. But let's add that metric here in the poll and feedback if folks know what has actually failed.

Almost everbody I know with old vintage PP alternators (around 10 years old +) have had long life from them so far, some with over 1500 hours to date and zero issues.

Almost everyone who has a newer one has had much lower life.

There seems to be big differences in the quality of parts inside the old and new units...
PP Failures

Not seeing these types of failures frequently (or even infrequently) on genuine Densos with genuine Denso parts inside on customer and friend's airplanes or cars. But let's add that metric here in the poll and feedback if folks know what has actually failed.

Almost everbody I know with old vintage PP alternators (around 10 years old +) have had long life from them so far, some with over 1500 hours to date and zero issues.

Almost everyone who has a newer one has had much lower life.

There seems to be big differences in the quality of parts inside the old and new units...

I'll second that notion. Mine is over ten years old with over 1700 Hrs on it....
Almost everbody I know with old vintage PP alternators (around 10 years old +) have had long life from them so far, some with over 1500 hours to date and zero issues.

Almost everyone who has a newer one has had much lower life.

There seems to be big differences in the quality of parts inside the old and new units...
Mine was 2006-2007 vintage.... nothing but problems.
Yup, have heard of a few problems with older ones but waaay more with ones built after 2013 or so.

Good for everyone to post their experiences. Do you know what failed inside?
No. I couldn’t find anyone locally willing to work on it since it was an airplane alternator, nor would planepower/hartzel. It was actually planepowers unwillingness to even inspect it (instead suggesting that I should buy a new one) that was actually the biggest problem.
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B-Lead Protection

Not seeing these types of failures frequently (or even infrequently) on genuine Densos with genuine Denso parts inside on customer and friend's airplanes or cars. But let's add that metric here in the poll and feedback if folks know what has actually failed.

Almost everbody I know with old vintage PP alternators (around 10 years old +) have had long life from them so far, some with over 1500 hours to date and zero issues.

Almost everyone who has a newer one has had much lower life.

There seems to be big differences in the quality of parts inside the old and new units...

Alternator short to ground doesn't have to happen frequently, it just has to happen once for someone to have a really bad day. It did happen to the poster that I was responding to and he was fortunate enough to be using a battery with a "Battery Management System" otherwise his situation might have been much worse! Here's what Bob Nuckolls has to say about this:
Originally published June 1998

(The following is an e-mail question I sent to Bob Nuckolls of The Aeroelectric Connection and his response.)

Our local Chapter 1000 electrical guru raised the question of why people put large breakers on the B-lead of the alternator. His point was that it is impossible for the alternator to put out in excess of its rated amperage (excess voltage, of course, is possible).

I thought about it for a while, and came up with this: Is the purpose of the B-lead breaker to protect against the power windings or the diodes shorting to ground and thus the battery popping the breaker?

(The response:)

You are entirely correct . . . the fuse/breaker is used to protect the b-lead wire from BATTERY current should a diode or wire short in the alternator. This is such a rare event these days, I've moved b-lead protection out of the cockpit and onto the firewall in the form of an 80 amp fuse for a 60 amp alternator.

- Bob Nuckolls

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....It was actually planepowers unwillingness to even inspect it (instead suggesting that I should buy a new one) that was actually the biggest problem.

Same for me. Plane Power admitted there was a manufacturing issue with my PP alternator that caused the failure, they wouldn?t repair or provide a discount on a replacement. I ordered a new B&C that day. No problems with the B&C alternator, and B&C services what they sell if it ever has a problem.

No more PP products for me, ever.
The pp in my RV-8 stopped producing electrons after almost 900 hours. The failed pp was installed by builder in 2008. Based on reports of reliability I?d say that may be above average.

I bought another pp from Vans (for less $$$) after learning Hartzell offered a trade in deal if you buy from them at a steep premium.

Just before quitting the voltage spiked to above 15 volts. Not gritty feeling when you rotate the pulley.

I?d like to know what failed. Likely the internal voltage regulator.
What is Hartzell thinking by not wanting fix problems for their customers? Wow.

They should be learning what the failures are, cause and remedy to improve the product and reputation. I don't get it. Are they trying to kill the product altogether?:confused: