Better place to post this video I suppose...

Now THAT'S funny!! Good example of coolheadedness in this situation...

;) :cool:
Pretty good!

I'd say he did a great job! First, finding an immediate field. Second, getting the airplane to balloon up whatever he could with whatever speed he had remaining. I imagine that if he had hit it while rolling it would have been much worse.

Gives a whole new meaning to "Cow Tipping".

Report is here AAIB Report You will see here in the UK, even the Accident Investigators were concerned for the cow ;)

PS Wasn't anywhere near London in fact... And "very slightly damaged" was not exactly accurate either... as the AAIB report says
a cow ran under and struck the left wing, causing substantial damage to the aircraft
Wow! What a gristly video. Thanks for sharing - safety is something we all have a steak in. Luckily this sort of incident is good and rare. Looks to me like the only thing damaged was the wing root filet. I bet the accident investigators gave the pilot a thorough grilling, but I say his performance was well done.

tartare for now,
You do have a way with words. Personally, I thought the video was "well done!"
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This was one of those instances where it is really good to have a beefy wing structure. I'm glad to see that the pilot wasn't cowed by having such an unexpected situation slung at him, looks like he milked all the performance he could out of his plane. Udderly amazing!
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This was one of those instances where it is really good to have a beefy wing structure. I'm glad to see that the pilot wasn't cowed by having such an unexpected situation slung at him, looks like he milked all the performance he could out of his plane. Utterly amazing!


Small world - Rob is a good guy - I spent 20+ hours with him doing aeros from Dunkeswell - the Extra was the closest other aircraft I've flown with similar control feel to the RV (does that make the post topical? ;) ). There are limited options off 23 and the cool head etc is there for everyone to see - I like the look left, look right - ah that looks nice and then just flies it.... I only hope if that day comes I manage to get half of it that right!

This was one of those instances where it is really good to have a beefy wing structure. I'm glad to see that the pilot wasn't cowed by having such an unexpected situation slung at him, looks like he milked all the performance he could out of his plane. Utterly amazing!

No kidding! If that had been me and my friend in the same situation, it would have taurus a new one. Good thing too that they were only grazed - otherwise it cud have been much worse.

Not a great video guys. It's been moderated off once and probably ought to be moderated off a second time. Cruelty to dumb animals no matter how hilarious it is, is still cruelty. Of course THAT WAS ol flossy and everyone knows how she over reacts to everything. :D
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Same thing happened to a friend of mine

But he was in a Navion in south Florida he killed two cows on impact and the third one had to be "dispatched"
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My first forced landing (Phantom ultralight) was in a pasture. No cow problems until we replaced the engine and tried to take off. The cows all ran when I started the engine, except one. HE decided it was HIS pasture. Shortest runup of a new engine in history, but I outran him. So did my partner who had to jump the fence!

Bob Kelly