Well Known Member

Are the steps in the plans as detailed intended to be complete as is or is there more detail early on and assumptions made on standard practice in later steps.

In the horizontal stabilizer section, final drilling is called out for the spars but not for example, page 08-09, step 1 riveting of hs1004 to hs00916.

Does this mean that no final drilling is needed for this step or that I should assume to cleco and final drill, deburr, etc prior to riveting.

I have a lot of experience spelling "assume".
I try a few rivets if they fit I do not drill. Usually if holes need drilling the plans have called that out.
The RV-14 was designed to not require final drilling, but, in the interest of reducing costs, a few parts from other kits are used in some instances.

Because these parts from other kits do not have holes punched final size, those holes require final drilling. For the most part this is only ribs in the empenage and the wings. Pretty much everything else in the RV-14 kit is prepuched.
The attempt was made to detail all of these instances in the construction manual, but it is always possible some were missed. Using a rivet to check the hole size is a good cross check.
Thanks all. That is helpful. Trust but verify.

Next: Is there a convention for which side the shop head of a rivet should be on where not specified in the plans? Personal preference, tool convenience, thinner aluminum member gets the shop head, other consideration? Maybe there is a book? I have reviewed the book issued with the kit and the plan instructions.

After my first aerobatic session, my instructor / guide asked "Did you read the book?" I did not but have tried to at least skim "the book" ever since for new topics.
