tadpole rider

Active Member
My part W-1223E (Lens Backing Strips) does not match the plans - the holes in the parts are wider (center-to-center) than on the plans. If I center an end hole over its hole on the plans, the opposite end hole overshoots the hole on the plans by about 5/32". Wrong parts? Wrong plans (date: 07/12/11; revision:1).
Unfortunately, I have drilled the skin according to the plan. I guess I make my own W-1223E and match drill from the wing skin.
Other suggestions?
Salem, OR
Me Too!


Wow! Thanks for the heads up. I have the same issue ? sort of. The plans accompanying my original lighting kit (shipped with the wing kit last summer) are way off, much the same as yours. However, last week or so I received an additional landing light for the left wing and with it I also ordered another hole template sheet 40-17 (so I would have a fresh template for the left wing).

Both drawings are the same date 7/12/11 and rev1 but my original 40-17 template sheet has the same issue yours has. I just tested both my lens backing strips from the original order and the two recently received with the new light and their holes are fairly close (just a hair off) to the drawing I just received. However, like yours, all my backing strips are WAY OFF when checked with the original drawing I received from Van?s.

I?m guessing for some reason the copying machine used to reproduce the prints must have scaled the drawing somewhat creating a batch of missed sized drawing templates.

As for your predicament, since you have already drilled holes, the best option would be to fabricate new lens backing plates to match the holes you have already drilled. Guessing Van?s will tell you the same ? but I would call them just the same.

Thanks for posting this issue because I was just about to use that "BAD" template page to make a hole this week. Will have to call Van?s in the morning and get a new 40-17 drawing ordered.

Dues paid until summer
More bad news

I assembled the light between the small ribs and stiffeners and positioned it over the plans to see how those holes will line up - they don't. They are just as far off as the lense bracket holes.
Yes I fabricated new lense brackets but now I am on hold until I call Van's in the morning. If the supplied template sheet is in error, I wonder if Van's will spring for a new W-1203R?
Curt Anderson
Salem, OR
Check your plans

I just got off the phone with Builder's Assistance... the plans were probably printed at "fit to page" rather than exact copy (without scaling). So the solution is to make things fit the holes that I drilled.
a) Make new lense backing brackets out of 0.032 and;
b) Reverser the doubler plates on the landing light ribs (move them from the inside of the rib to the outside). That should get the brackets to close to lining up with the holes. If holes are too wide for the brackets, make shim(s) or add washers to the light assembly to bring them out to the holes.

In there defense it does say to check for plan sizing (16" width, 10 5/16" height to the printed margins) before using full scale templates page 03-04. I should have checked. My help from Van's this morning did not point that out to me. He simply made suggestions that allowed me to proceed with what I've done. Nobody's going to notice my landing light opening is an eighth of an inch narrower than theirs.
Attempting to resolve the problem.....

In an effort to try and help prevent future frustrations by builders, a new standard has been put in place that will have a statement added to all paper documents (in bold print) reminding the user to double check the scale of the drawing by confirming that its full scale dimensions are correct.
Landing light template update

Section 3-4 of the RV-12 plans tells the builder to verify that all templates in the plans measure 16? x 10 5/16? at the borders. I have had several calls to Van?s regarding that scale and the fact that the replacement landing light templates didn?t measure up correctly nor did the PDF file Van?s sent of the template (which was printed out at a blueprint shop) or even the subsequent replacement templates received from Van?s. The mailed replacements and the output from the PDF file were all 16? x 10 9/16?.

I had a long discussion with Joe at Van?s about the mismatch just prior to Sun and Fun ? so waited until yesterday (4-23-2013) to make the follow up call. Joe told me after checking with the drafting department, it was concluded the scale given in section 3-4 was incorrect. The template pages should measure 16? x 10 9/16? ? NOT the 16? x 10 5/16? as stated in section 3-4. Joe told me Van?s has a correction in the works for that typo error in section 3-4. So RV-12 builders take note of that correction and check your landing light template accordingly.

Hope this helps fellow builders in the future.

VAF dues paid until summer
You get your wish

Hope this helps fellow builders in the future.

John-G (and Curt and Scott): It definitely did help, thanks ever so much.

I mounted the landing light yesterday. Like everyone says, it?s kinda daunting, but a thoughtful and careful approach carried the day.

Having read all the above, I determined to start out with a known accurate template. I laid out each part onto the template sheet and verified all the hole locations and spacings, including the rib rivet locations used as the reference datum. All OK.

Then I took the template to Staples and had them run three copies onto a lightweight card stock, checking and double-checking to make sure they came out the exact same size. They did.

Rechecked all locations and spacings on the new template. Still good. I then put the template on a smooth benchtop and pricked each hole location ?x? mark dead center with a sharp pointed alignment punch. Used the same punch to open up the three reference holes on the left edge for the existing clecos (photo).


Placing the template, I put down a few strips of double sided tape to help keep it from moving; also added a couple pieces of masking tape on the edges as needed.

An automatic center punch adjusted to a light setting nicely self-located in the tiny pre-punched hole at each ?x? mark. I used a small block of wood on the inside to back it up.

Good results all around. I have no idea if I could have gotten the same happy ending (photo) had I not first read this thread.


Thanks again, guys! Now I?m hoping my addition might pay it forward to the next builder.