detlef lili

Well Known Member
Hi guys,
we are looking for a place to land (RV7) and to pitch our tent near the airplane in the States in Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana. It would be nice to find some places where we don?t have to pay any camping nor parking fees, or at least not too much. :We are doing a round the world flight, and now we are doing "round the States". visit our website.
THANKS in advance!!! our email address is: [email protected]
Detlef & Liliana
Wisconsin Camping

If you are in Wisconsin, I highly recommend Brodhead (C37). I used to base my 172 out of there and it would be perfect for your camping needs. There are three grass runways (the longest is 9-27 at 2700 feet). Showers are available at the EAA headquarters. A great bunch of people and you will feel at home.
Probably one of the nicer places in the southern part of your area is Lee Bottom. It is home to a huge TD fly-in each year and has nice cabins that rent for $35 per night. The runway is turf and over 4000' long. It is on the Ohio River and is 64I. They allow camping also. Their website is There is also a campground with paved 2300' strip 3 1/2 miles west of OVO. The owner is happy to oblige about anyone, especially pilots. It isn't on the sectional (IIRC) and hard to spot. The owner flies a Bonanza out of it, and I fly my 9A in. See for details.

Bob Kelly