
Well Known Member
I'm looking for a place to stay at Oshkosh, (who isn't:D) Friday July 26, thru Sunday, July 28. Here's the usual kicker. I'm a VFR only guy, ie, I can't guarantee I could get up there or not. (I especially want to see that F 35 do its thing, and its doing a demo, vs a heritage flight on Friday and Sunday.

Here's what I could do---offer to pay for it, and if I get there, I get there---if I don't, I don't. How's that grab y'all??:)
I have booked the UOW non-aircon dorm from 23 - 29th.

It has 2 beds but I will be on my own, so you are welcome to stay and split that $75 / night if you want. If you make or not doesn't faze me because I will be there anyway.