
Well Known Member
Are you allowed to install the aircraft placard in the aircraft or does it have to remain on the outside.
If you are talking about the "data plate", it must be on the outside, readable by a person on the ground.
Data Plate


Can't the data plate be installed inside the aircraft and an identification plate or placard as per the Drug Enforcement Agency showing the Maker; Model; and Serial No. be placed on the left side between the wing trailing edge and the horiz stab leading edge as is allowed on normally certificated aircraft???????:confused:

I have seen this on several x planes.
FAR part 45.11(a)

Aircraft built after March 7, 1988 must have the data plate mounted on the aircraft fuselage exterior so that it is legible to a person on the ground, and must be either adjacent to and aft of the rear most entrance door or on the fuselage surface near the tail surfaces.