
Well Known Member
I flew my RV6A in the rain for the first time this week. After about 10 minutes I lost my airspeed indicator. Both steam gauge and on the G5. A quick consult with the avionics guy determined, as suspected, water got in the pitot system. An inspection of the pitot tube found there is no drain hole like most others. Both he an I were unable to determine the make of the tube to see if it should have a drain hole. Closest thing I can find is the Gretz Aero. But the Gretz is made of polymer and mine is aluminum. It is also heated. A couple of days later I went back out and everything worked fine. System dried out. So does anyone know the make of this tube? And is the lack of a drain hole the cause of my problem? Can't seem to get a pic on here right now. Will work on it.

I flew my RV6A in the rain for the first time this week. After about 10 minutes I lost my airspeed indicator. Both steam gauge and on the G5. A quick consult with the avionics guy determined, as suspected, water got in the pitot system. An inspection of the pitot tube found there is no drain hole like most others. Both he an I were unable to determine the make of the tube to see if it should have a drain hole. Closest thing I can find is the Gretz Aero. But the Gretz is made of polymer and mine is aluminum. It is also heated. A couple of days later I went back out and everything worked fine. System dried out. So does anyone know the make of this tube? And is the lack of a drain hole the cause of my problem? Can't seem to get a pic on here right now. Will work on it.

Email me a picture of your pitot tube. Getting water in the pitot will not necessarily kill the system, and it is a pressure system with no air actually flowing through. It will kill it, but water won?t necessarily.

It it helps. I had a Gretz pitot at one time that was metal. Must have been an older vintage maybe. I do not recall if it had a drain hole.