
Active Member
Hello fellow RV-9 builders. I'm currently working on both wings and am curious if anyone has any thoughts about the installation of a heated pitot tube versus the simple tube Van's calls for. After some searching around, I have come to realize that the 6" extension with a common pitot tube will be neccessary. I would like to fly my -9 IFR and obviously a heated pitot tube is a must. I have found prices anywhere from $175 to $400 for a 12v heated tube. Anyone know of stores that have reasonable prices?
Indeed the heated pitot tubes are becoming very popular.

Let us all know where we can get the $175.00 heated pitot tubes!! The heated pitot tubes I stock cost a WHOLE LOT more than that, and I hadn't seen any below $400+ bucks for a heated version.

I'm just curious, thats all. If there is indeed a decent $175.00 heated pitot tube out there, then I better quit selling the $400+ ones!

Check out the mounting

for the Dynon pitot tube on my wing page.

In short, don't drill the pitot tube hole in the wing as van's calls for. (You will see why when you read the page.)

Use a cheap pitot tube, such as the Dynon unit and the Gretz mount until such time as an affordable heated pitot tube is available. The Gretz mount is a standard Pitot tube mount and should work with any pitot tube.
Pitot tubes

Thanks for the feedback.....
Stein, the heated pitot tube I found was in the Aircraft Spruce & Specialty catalog. Granted, this catalog is a 2001 issue, but I can't imagine the price jumping that much. They have it listed as part #AN5814-12. It's a 12v, 10amp heated pitot tube ($154). The Gretz Aero extension for the RV's is listed at $99.
crewdog434 said:
Thanks for the feedback.....
Stein, the heated pitot tube I found was in the Aircraft Spruce & Specialty catalog. Granted, this catalog is a 2001 issue, but I can't imagine the price jumping that much. They have it listed as part #AN5814-12. It's a 12v, 10amp heated pitot tube ($154). The Gretz Aero extension for the RV's is listed at $99.

Years ago, I also picked up a AN5814-12 and the Gretz mount for less than $300.00 total.

But today's AN5814-12 will set you back $1374.00 without the mount!

AirCraft Spruce link:

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Pitot tube

Thanks for the info Adamson. I'm shocked at how the price jumped so high! Guess I'll keep shopping around.
J. Cummings
Heated pitot tube for non-certificated aircraft

L.Adamson said:
Years ago, I also picked up a AN5814-12 and the Gretz mount for less than $300.00 total.

But today's AN5814-12 will set you back $1374.00 without the mount!

AirCraft Spruce link:


Try this link for the PT for non-certificated aircraft...

Another advantage of building your own plane...whew.

I also note the link provided in the message above from N941WR showed that he also had to modify his Dynon pitot in the same manner as is required for the Homebuilt Pitots sold through ACS.

In the grand scheme of things, modifying the pitot or the mount is a minor job. Of course, you could always pay $900 more for the certified heated pitot . . . . . . . . . .
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Used pitot tube

If anyone is interested, Williams Airmotive in Kendallville, Indiana has used 12V, heated pitot tubes (Cessna style) available for $175.00, includes a 1-1/2" mast. I realize the mast must be longer than that, but the price is right up my alley. Comes with a 30 day warranty. I should receive it tomorrow (17 May 2005). I'll post my findings.
Ask for Roy at Williams Airmotive (260)-347-0807.

Jerry C. RV-9 N125JV
Used pitot tube

Received my heated pitot tube advertised. The mounting screws that attach the mast to the pitot tube were already loose prior to my receiving it. I suspect the folks at Williams Airmotive made sure they were loose before shipping it. Aside from some old paint that needs to be removed, the tube appears to be in good shape. After stripping, polishing, and matching it to the Gretz mounting mast, it should make for an adequate pitot tube. Not a bad alternative if your trying to save a buck.
Jerry C. RV-9 N125JV
crewdog434 said:
Thanks for the info Adamson. I'm shocked at how the price jumped so high! Guess I'll keep shopping around.
J. Cummings

I managed to get a heated pitot for 125.00 by placing an ad
