ron sterba

Well Known Member
Was wondering if anybody had a( PITOT) good product with AOA thats was worth looking into? Heated too. VANS has baggage tie downs on sale now. Were $32 each now $16 as of yesterday when i was there. Bought two. There rated @ 4000lbs. Page 64 in Vans 2009 catalog.:confused:
PITOT Tube for RV9a

I installed the heated Dynon Pitot in my -9A. Works perfectly with their AOA. Highly recommended.......

Not trying to hijack but it is related. If planning on a strickly Vfr panel, is a heated pitot needed?? Besides icing are there any other advantages
Rule of thumb

...has always been, my pitot heat ALWAYS goes on in visible moisture. Fog, rain, mist, clouds, etc. It even goes on in high humidity. If you ever need it and don't have it, you will wish you did. You can fly VFR through rain etc. if the visibility is there.

Just my .02 worth.
Thanks Keith. Just what I was looking for was another 7 or 9 installation. I fly a skyhawk here in Oregon and use the heated tube. Did you know that the Concord did its icing requirements in the northwest prior to carry passengers! We have all 4 seasons of weather from the coast to 200 miles inland. Same testing is being done with the Boeing 787. Its almost a given for my 9A. Thanks Ron in Oregon