Just a question on what are you all using for a pitot tube mount now that we can't get a Gretz Mount anymore. I wanted one because hey seemed like a great mount and a great fit although I did read somewhere about rusting and being heavy. I had one ordered from ACS but they never got it in stock and now don't sell sense the business closed up. What is another great mount for a Garmin heated tube?
Thanks for any input.
Just a question on what are you all using for a pitot tube mount now that we can't get a Gretz Mount anymore. I wanted one because hey seemed like a great mount and a great fit although I did read somewhere about rusting and being heavy. I had one ordered from ACS but they never got it in stock and now don't sell sense the business closed up. What is another great mount for a Garmin heated tube?
Thanks for any input.

I’m not positive, but I think I’ve heard that the Dynon mount can also be used for other pitots.