
Well Known Member
To all those that have installed a pitot tube in the bay outboard of the bellcrank bay:

Any photos or links you guys can provide showing how you routed/secured your pressure line(s) around the bellcrank assembly?

I'm planning a Dynon Pitot with AOA, so two lines. I've concluded that the pitot/AOA will function properly in either the inboard or outboard bay locations. I'm just trying to decide if it will be less of a hassle to route lines around the bellcrank or to fabricate another access plate next to the mount in the inboard bay.
SafeAIr 1 connections?

It looks like you used the SA1 pitot/aoa kit without using their tubing connectors. Did you find something wrong with them? Curious as that's the setup I've got and, at least for now, like the connectors. Of course, I'm just working on the aft section of the fuse.

PaulR said:
It looks like you used the SA1 pitot/aoa kit without using their tubing connectors. Did you find something wrong with them? Curious as that's the setup I've got and, at least for now, like the connectors. Of course, I'm just working on the aft section of the fuse.

That is exactly what I did. The SA1 connectors leaked. The guy testing my transponder also checked my pitot line by disconnecting it from the D100 and plugging the other end. He then put a vacuum on it and it leaked BAD. His recommendation was to connect it like you see in that picture. He also went on to state that those connectors almost always leak. I bought but did not use any connectors in the pitot run. Rather, I ran the hose all the way from the pitot to the panel.
inboard or outboard?

N941WR said:
But since I changed how I connected my pitot and AOA lines I might as well post a picture:
Hi Bill - it looks like you mounted your pitot tube on the bay just inboard of the bellcrank? I'm going with a (heated, don't start that debate :p ) piper style tube and I'm trying to figure out if I want it inboard or outboard of the bellcrank. I was wondering what your thoughts were?
IowaRV9Dreamer said:
Hi Bill - it looks like you mounted your pitot tube on the bay just inboard of the bellcrank? I'm going with a (heated, don't start that debate :p ) piper style tube and I'm trying to figure out if I want it inboard or outboard of the bellcrank. I was wondering what your thoughts were?

I just thought I would put in the same bay as the "stock" pitot. Since I haven't flown yet, I can't comment on how well it works until after some test time.

Putting it one bay further out might not matter much, but I don't really know.
N941WR said:
He then put a vacuum on it and it leaked BAD. His recommendation was to connect it like you see in that picture. He also went on to state that those connectors almost always leak.

These type connectors are not intended for vacuum service. The pressure actually assist the seal on the tube.

I have used litterally thousands of these type connectors on machines that we have built, if installed properly and used in the right application, they work fine. If you bottom the tube into the connector and then give it a slight tug, it will pull the seal up tight against the tube, otherwise it might leak.

From what I've read on Dynon's support board and other places, there is a small drain hole in both the pitot and AOA side of the tubes to allow moisture to drain. They've said, that due to that, you couldn't seal them up completely but that the holes were so small as to not cause a problem with the accuracy of the device.

PaulR said:
From what I've read on Dynon's support board and other places, there is a small drain hole in both the pitot and AOA side of the tubes to allow moisture to drain. They've said, that due to that, you couldn't seal them up completely but that the holes were so small as to not cause a problem with the accuracy of the device.


There is a hole in the bottom of the Dynon Pitot but I thought it was only connected to the AOA, not the AS. Either way, it was plugged for the test. Not a big deal, the connection I used seems to be working fine.

The guy testing the thing said it would probrably still be accurate but being me, I wanted to get the leak out, which I have now done.
Pitot Leak

Thanks, Bill, for the heads up. I'll keep that in mind before I close up the wings. It would certainly be easier to do before they are closed.
what is the advantage or disadvantage of the differing bays??? Is it a building or performance issue.

This is the first I've heard that people weren't installing the pitot as per plans.

grantcarruthers said:
what is the advantage or disadvantage of the differing bays??? Is it a building or performance issue.

This is the first I've heard that people weren't installing the pitot as per plans.



With the 9 wing there is one access plate in the bellcrank bay and one inboard 2 or three bays. Being able to gain access to service pitot connections (static line(s) or wiring for a heated pitot) is difficult since the bellcrank assembly blocks access through the rib lighting hole. Reaching in through the inboard access plate to the pitot bay would be difficult at best.

The options are fab an access plate along with the pitot mount in the stock pitot bay or put the pitot in the bay outboard of the bellcrank and route the line(s) and wiring around the bellcrank assembly.