
Well Known Member
I am about ready to run my pitot and AOA lines in the wing and would like to know if it is acceptable to run them in plastic pipe, the pitot is unheated and the pipe would be high pressure water pipe like the kind you would get from Home depot to run your ice maker. I ask because the instructions say you can run them in plastic but do not specify what kind of plastic. Thanks in advance for your help.
Nylon Tubing


Don't use the plastic tubing you can get at Home Depot. It will get brittle and crack. Get the tubing that Stein sells. You can even get it in a kit with the connectors for the ends. I believe it is a Safe Air product. Worth getting the right material.
I know this runs contrary to most RV builders' thinking, but you don't need conduit at all, and in fact, there are some very good reasons NOT to use it. My tech counselor, Randy Lervold, built two RV's without it and recommended that I not use it, so I didn't. You can see more of his reasoning and see how I ran my pitot tubes and AOA tubing in my wings, starting here: