Well Known Member
I posted a long while back about putting the Gretz mast in on the left wing between the two outboard access plates. I installed the pitot along with some new twisted pair wire for it and it really isn?t trivial. The aileron actuator tube is pretty close to the hole and makes running the tube and wires difficult with good support. It?s also hard because my hands are too big to get everywhere.

I had to take off the actuator tube to get the pitot in and tubing bent toward the onboard access plate. After the pitot was done I put it back in and then it runs pretty close to the tubing and wire. I didn?t like the lack of support for the tubing and wires so I made a little support plate I could rivet to the rib. I also installed an Adel at the fuel tank bolt in the middle of the bay. It works great to keep all the wires and the air tubes well away from the aileron tube.