
Well Known Member
Time to decide on where to mount the Pitot/AOA tube. Researched the forums on pros/cons of inboard the bellcrank bay vs outboard. Great discussion on keeping it out of propwash vs tiedown interference. Now, for those who are already flying, any issues? Has the tiedown been an issue for those with the outboard installation, or has the inboard installation actually caused any suspect readings?


P.S. Or does anyone have it installed and found the tiedowns to not be a problem, or no issues with readings?
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Outboard is a concern.

My Dynon pitot is in the aileron bellcrank bay and my tie down ropes usually rub against it. If I don’t park centered in the tie down area or don’t pull too far forward, it’s better. The center access panel is still 3’ outside the propeller arc so I don’t see how prop blast would impact it.
Mine is mounted on the OB inspection panel. Figured if I messed up, I could just replace the panel.
Next bay outboard of bell crank bay. Keeps plumbing & wires away from important controls.
Haven't torn one off with tiedown yet.
Has anyone tried the hollow rivet method in the lower leading edge in either a -6 or -7. I have to remove my left fuel tank so would be keen to know how it works before I insert a rivet.
Next bay outboard of bell crank bay. Keeps plumbing & wires away from important controls.
Haven't torn one off with tiedown yet.

I mounted my pitot/AoA probe in the bay outboard of the bell crank as well, and for the same reasons as Ralph. Keep important stuff from getting too cluttered. My wings are still in the cradle, so can't comment on tie-down interference.
I have the Dynon heated pitot/AOA, and mounted it one bay inboard of the tiedown/bellcrank (I didn't want a tiedown rope or chain to contact my pretty chromed pitot tube :) ). Just a little finagling to get the pitot and AOA aluminum tubes in the mast to clear the pushrod, no big deal. Controller mounted on the rib, easy peasy, and readily visible for wiring inspection during annual CI.
AOA probe

Mine is mounted on the out board inspection panel. Works very well. No issues with tie down. You do have to be mindful not to put/let the tie down strap go over the probe. No biggie, like a lot of things we do with our planes we just have to be careful and follow procedures.
I installed the garmin pitot heated in the right wing, because in te left wing there is the magnetometer