
Active Member
I asked a friend of mine,( who helped me install my instrument pannel) what I should use to splice the petot and static lines. He advised me that the local hardware shop had barbed splicers commonly used for irrigation systems. So that is what I did.

But now I am second guessing myself. By inserting the bards into the 1/4 inch lines at those locations the inside diameter becomes smaller. Should I change this? And if I need to change it what should I use.

RV6A everything but the closing of the wings, getting close
But now I am second guessing myself. By inserting the bards into the 1/4 inch lines at those locations the inside diameter becomes smaller. Should I change this? And if I need to change it what should I use.

RV6A everything but the closing of the wings, getting close

Pitot, and static are both pressure measurements, not flow.

The system will do just fine as you have it, assuming no leaks.

Really small restrictions will slow the rate of change, but not the actual value of the measurements.