
Well Known Member
I'm asking this for a friend who has an iPad that is about 3 years old. He wants to know how much of an improvement the newest model iPads have versus his. Is there enough Improvement as far as visibility in bright sunlight and when viewing off-center to justify the cost?
I bought an M4 iPad pro a month ago, primarily for the brighter screen. It is at least as bright as the Garmin avionics in the airplanes I've flown in with it. Expensive though, when you add in getting a cellular version with GPS. And it doesn't have a headphone jack to plug into my intercom for music anymore.

The RAM EZ-Rollr mounts I have for other iPads don't fit it. I'm not sure if RAM has made one that does fit yet.
I bought an M4 iPad pro a month ago, primarily for the brighter screen. It is at least as bright as the Garmin avionics in the airplanes I've flown in with it. Expensive though, when you add in getting a cellular version with GPS. And it doesn't have a headphone jack to plug into my intercom for music anymore.

The RAM EZ-Rollr mounts I have for other iPads don't fit it. I'm not sure if RAM has made one that does fit yet.
Is the new M4 better than the older ipad 11" pro?
Is the new M4 better than the older ipad 11" pro?
I would say yes from the screen perspective, I switched from the iPad mini to the new M4 pro 11" for the brightness and readability cross cockpit, the display is 2X brighter and can be read in the RV much like the rest of the glass avionics screen. With Foreflight it auto dims after a while but when you touch the screen it brightens back up, good for a quick check. It is expensive as previously noted and not as convenient in the cockpit size wise as the mini but much more useable from a viewing perspective in my opinion.
It also works reasonably well as an ad hoc laptop replacement.