
Well Known Member
I recently made a purchase of tools from www.planetools.com (Isham, Inc). I wanted to post about my positive experience with this vendor.

The tools arrived in a ratty, beaten up box that looked to small for the job. There was a big hole in the top and side; I was sure that my parts were scattered all over the central United States. After performing an inventory I found everything was in the kit with the exception of the DRDT2 and a backorded bucking bar. The DRDT2 ships separately and arrived about 3 days later. The inventory sheet was concise and accurate and made my inventory very easy.

The first issue I had dealt with the dimple dies. I noticed that many of my dies simply fell out of the collett of whatever tool that they were plugged into. I thought they were defective, so I called. He patiently listened to me explain the issue and then told me that to fix the problem I had to use a very small screwdriver to slightly widen the small ring around the stem of the die....like it says in the manual. What! The manual?! Uh...right, I guess I should have looked at that. Yup, he told me to RTFM. :) He includes a simple booklet of things that can help you understand how to use some of these unfamiliar tools. Those instructions were contained in the manual, just like he said. I was slightly embarrassed, though Isham was a complete professional about it. I spend all day telling people to RTFM and he did it to me. It was a funny moment.

The next issue was with a defective back rivet set. The part that slides up and down kept getting stuck in the compressed position after one or two hits with the rivet gun. I tried everything I could think of to try and free it up, but eventually ran out of ideas. I read the manual first, then called Isham. We agreed that the part was likely defective. He shipped me a new one the next day via Priority Mail, and the new one works like a champ.

If you are contemplating a purchase from www.planetools.com and dont know them already, I can heartily recommend the RV toolkit. High quality tools, fairly priced and his post sales support is prompt, professional and very satisfactory.