
Well Known Member
Looking for a PIREP, please, from anybody who is successfully using the VAL Nav2000 radio controlled by a GRT HX.

Would appreciate any comparison of its performance against other NAV receivers (SL30, GNS430 etc) and in particular what type of antenna is driving the VAL radio.

Thanks in advance for sharing your experience!
I'll amend the request to ask for PIREPS for the Val NAV 2000 regardless of what it is attached to.


Nobody has a VAL NAV2000 that's working? Can't believe that. As Dj suggested, let's open this up to a NAV2000 being remotely controlled by any EFIS (Skyview, AFS, GRT are all capable of controlling the NAV2000... I'm pretty sure the MGL will control it as well.)

Surely somebody has one working and can give a PIREP, please?
2nd Hand Report on slightly different combo ... Works Well

Looking for a PIREP, please, from anybody who is successfully using the VAL Nav2000 radio controlled by a GRT HX.

Would appreciate any comparison of its performance against other NAV receivers (SL30, GNS430 etc) and in particular what type of antenna is driving the VAL radio.

Thanks in advance for sharing your experience!

Widget brought a friend of his by for me to take a look at his friend's GRT equipment setup and calibration.

He had a VAL radio (I think it was a Comm2000, not the Nav2000 you ask about) connected to a GRT SX (not HX, but no difference) and said that it worked just fine. Since no issues were reported there, I did not investigate further.
Nobody has a VAL NAV2000 that's working? Can't believe that. As Dj suggested, let's open this up to a NAV2000 being remotely controlled by any EFIS (Skyview, AFS, GRT are all capable of controlling the NAV2000... I'm pretty sure the MGL will control it as well.)

Surely somebody has one working and can give a PIREP, please?

There where a number of issues with early releases related to implementation of the serial protocol which was not quite to the required functional standards. This lead to problems with the MGL systems as well as others (from what I have been told). One of our customers here had one and it had to be sent back to VAL for updating. Have not heard anything since.
It appears this issue has "gone away", have not had any negative reports for some time so I assume they are OK now ?

CEO MGL Avionics
Check the Dynon forums

There are a number of threads referring to the use of the Nav 2000 with the Skyview successfully.
There are a number of threads referring to the use of the Nav 2000 with the Skyview successfully.

Hi Sam,
I have searched for other references to the Nav 2000 in the VAF forums, and can only find posts about the installation and getting the serial link to work. What C_J and I are looking for are reports of the radio in-flight, as compared to other Nav radios such as an SL-30, Garmin 430W, etc.

At what range can you pick up a VOR signal, LOC signal, etc, and how well does it work doing an ILS. Things of that nature.

Is anyone flying with a Nav 2000?


I just flew with one a couple days ago. It's hooked to. GRT Sport with ARINC. It has an older cats whisker antenna with a balun (sp) cable antennae. I could receive low altitude VORs over 40 miles at 4500 feet. I received the LOC at KAND about 20 miles and the GS at about 8 or 9 miles.

All seemed to work just fine.
Thanks, Jerry - that's the kind of feedback I was hoping to hear. Have heard a couple of reports of the Nav2KR being somewhat "deaf" and needing to be close to the VOR station to produce useable results. Glad to see somebody has one that produces useable reception range.
I have a Val Nav 2000 connected to a Dynon D100. It works like an SL30 with the D100, minus the station identifier on the Dynon screen (and not 2 VOR's like the SL30 of course).

To get it to work (like an SL30) with the Dynon as initially described when sold to me, Val took it back, worked with Dynon, and made the required software upgrades to my unit. I am happy with my Val 2000 and the support I received from them.
Too bad the SL-30 has been discontinued. IMHO it is the best VOR receiver ever made. Amazing how many people are unaware of its two VOR capability. e.g., you can shoot the LOC 29R KSCK approach with a single SL30 and nothing else - the SL-30 will show the localizer on the cdi and simultaneously show the radial from a nearby VOR for the needed cross-fix.
The Sl30 also uses modern digital circuits to decode the VOR radial, unlike older radios that use analog phase shift networks that can drift over time. I do not know how the 2000, or the 430 for that matter, do the decoding.