
Well Known Member
need a good, bright, big phone with extra SD storage....need to ask Santa for a good brand, reliable, decent battery life.
hopefully under $400, unlocked, runs latest Snozberry 6.7 or whatever.......:rolleyes:
Loved my old Dell Streak 5, but it died.....RIP.

P.S. this will be just to complement my Nexus 7 tablet, (without data) so the phone can file flight plans etc.
Wife and I love our Samsung S7 Edges. But there are some newer ones out
now that might be a little faster. I have the app on my phone and it works well.

FWIW, I have FltPlnGo on my Samsung S5 which only has 16G of memory. This platform is only used for backup and training purposes. (I look stuff up and play with the program when I have to sit and wait somewhere with no other way of entertaining myself). Obviously I don't have all the charts loaded on my phone but I can easily download the ones I wanted if need be.

Why wouldn't you just file from your Ipad? (or whatever device you use FltPlnGo with in the cockpit).

Anything physically bigger than the S5 and I'd need to carry a purse. I'm not sure any of the big phones would be big enough for use in the cockpit.

One thing I like about the S5 is the replaceable battery. Most phones these days have integral non-changeable batteries.

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OK, Perry, you pretty much have killed off most phone recommendations with the "expandable by SD card" requirement. Not many phones have that capability.

With that having been said, I use a Nexus 6 phone, and I have a Nexus 7 tablet - regrettably (now) a Gen 1 device. I thought the N6 would be my backup, but it is just so much faster and easier to use, plus has a brighter screen and, for my purposes, better form factor. As a result, the N6 is my go-to for running FltPlanGO. The fact that it also has cellular data is, I think, the final nail in the coffin of the N7 - being able to download updates literally on the fly is a huge advantage.

Yeah, my kids laugh at the size of my Nexus 6 phone, but whenever they want to look at a picture or something similar, they always want to use my phone to do it instead of their crappy Iphones.
OnePlus 3. 6GB RAM, 64GB storage. You don't need an SD card.

FltPlanGo runs great on it. I use it on every flight.
Samsung Note 4. Meets all your requirements. Not sure about fltplango, but it runs Garmin Pilot flawlessly with messaging, chrome and music apps operating. Micro SD card. And there are no recalls for a stock Note 4.
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A little left of center, but my Blackberry Passport has a big, bright, square screen which runs the app very well. Very visible in a bright cockpit as well.