
Well Known Member
Being somewhat 'particular' on eyewear I thought it was time to try to find another pair of sunglasses in case my trusty old ones got broke or lost god forbid. The problem for me has always been I need a bifocal (std 1.5) to read the panel and I have found it extremely difficult to find a pair of glasses that work with a headset, have the bifocal placed high enough, and ideally have a gradient tint.

So for xmas I treated myself to a new pair of Kestral aviator sunglasses and had my fingers crossed but wasn't really expecting them to satisfy all my requirements. Well like I suspected the bifocal was way to low, so I contacted the company and they immediately said send them back and we'll fix em however you want, no charge! Well because I don't know how to measure in mm's I screwed up where to put them the first (and second) time, I reluctantly contacted them again feeling like an idiot and fully expectiing them to tell me get the F out here... no problem send em back and well take care of it. So anyway, after a couple of back and forths, I finally got the measurements right and now they are as close to perfect as I could ever hope for :D

Honestly, I was quite surprised at how nice they were despite my ineptness and just kept saying they wanted me to be happy and they would make it right whatever it took.

Bottom line, great folks to deal with, excellent product, beyond friendly service, you just can't ask for more! Special thanks to CSR Sienna Velasco!


Some folks might consider them a bit pricey as I did at first, however I now think for a pair of custom-made sunglasses it was a great deal.
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Being somewhat 'particular' on eyewear I thought it was time to try to find another pair of sunglasses in case my trusty old ones got broke or lost god forbid. The problem for me has always been I need a bifocal (std 1.5) to read the panel and I have found it extremely difficult to find a pair of glasses that work with a headset, have the bifocal placed high enough, and ideally have a gradient tint.

So for xmas I treated myself to a new pair of Kestral aviator sunglasses and had my fingers crossed but wasn't really expecting them to satisfy all my requirements. Well like I suspected the bifocal was way to low, so I contacted the company and they immediately said send them back and we'll fix em however you want, no charge! Well because I don't know how to measure in mm's I screwed up where to put them the first (and second) time, I reluctantly contacted them again feeling like an idiot and fully expectiing them to tell me get the F out here... no problem send em back and well take care of it. So anyway, after a couple of back and forths, I finally got the measurements right and now they are as close to perfect as I could ever hope for :D

Honestly, I was quite surprised at how nice they were despite my ineptness and just kept saying they wanted me to be happy and they would make it right whatever it took.

Bottom line, great folks to deal with, excellent product, beyond friendly service, you just can't ask for more! Special thanks to CSR Sienna Velasco!


Some folks might consider them a bit pricey as I did at first, however I now think for a pair of custom-made sunglasses it was a great deal.

I also have a pair of their glasses. Your experience with them mirrors mine. Great company.
I have achieved similar with Serengeti gradient bronze aviators and a pair of Optix 20/20 stick-ons in +1.5D strength that I was able to place at the desired segment height. I can even allow for unequal pupil height in my slightly asymmetric face so that both the bifocal lenses rise into view at the same time when I tilt my head back or look down at the panel. Cost was a little less than what these folks are asking. Compatibility with standard headsets is good as the Serengeti temples are very thin wire, but I have Card CQ's now, so there are no possible compatibility issues.
Walt, how do they work with your headset and which headset do you use?


Depending on which model you buy from them, they have interchangeable arms - some are super-thin to wear under a head clamp, and they have other more traditional ones if you wear something like a CQ or Halo.
This past year I picked up a pair at Osh and when she told me the price I defaulted to my usual “I’m going to need wife approval first…”. Huh, I sure said that to a lot of vendors at Osh! Maybe some day I can get a pair.
+1 for Flying Eyes. They are the only "aviation" glasses that seem to take into account that most GA pilots wear over the ear headsets.They sit tight underneath your headset for a minimum of noise leakage, and they are comfy. I equate them to a Bose ANR headset. Expensive, but they really do the job correctly.

Dean Siracusa sold his Meyers 200 to fund the company. (Don't worry, he bought another.) You have to admire that. Chances are you'll see him working the booth ar EAA.
Walt, how do they work with your headset and which headset do you use?


I use the A20 with them and they are so thin and flexible that it’s almost like you’re not wearing glasses at all.
I had cataract surgery and new lenses slipped in to replace them. Im not totally satisfied and I still need readers for tiny stuff but now I can read the panel without reader sunglasses. Im not sure it was worth the cost. I will check out these sunglasses.
As an aside, most any maker of prescription lenses can fabricate a set of bifocal lenses with the cutoff in any position (Costco for example) for a decent price. Don't be afraid to ask and explain what your mission is. They can adjust the focal distance to account for instrument distance as well. They'll use your estimate of cutoff location and make what you need. Easy
For progressive prescrpition lenses, Costco has a great optical lab. Only problem with them is that they can't/won't do non-polarized lenses. So I did buy a pair of prescription Ray-Ban Aviators, non-polarized, online and those are excellent.
I've been using "Boomers in the know" for several years. Sunshades, bi-focal, shaded, safety readers....Pretty much whatever you want. They're in the neighborhood of $20.

They will get you what you want and take of you.