Christopher Murphy

Well Known Member
Some time in the past there was a discussion about a fast experimental airplane called the Pirahna ( i think) based in Kansas. Anyone have any info on that plane or pilot. He needs to race in the Colorado 150 he just doesn't know it yet.

I took this some time ago and yes it's fast.

Bud Pinkston is the owner. I think he may live at St. John Ks.
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Some time in the past there was a discussion about a fast experimental airplane called the Pirahna ( i think) based in Kansas. Anyone have any info on that plane or pilot. He needs to race in the Colorado 150 he just doesn't know it yet.

Alan Judy knows him, send AJ a PM??
Typically the SARL racesdon't require it

AirVenture Cup requires insurance at the $1,000,000/$100,000 per level and a $250 entry fee (a bargin really for an experience of a lifetime) but the rest of the SARL races do not get into all that typically. If you log on to and click on calendar of events then select the race you are interested in you can see what the requirements (when the races get near anyway). AT this time I don't see anthing about entry fees or insurance requirements but the information is preliminary at this time. I will be there with my plane.

Bob Axsom
What we really need to do is get some plans drawn up for that beast then make five kits and show these NXT guys at reno whats up.. :D
It would add character to the field

The field is pretty good already but that plane would really add character. Alan Judy should be in reach of Denver race as well. Bruce Hammer who's Glassair topped 264 mph in his last race told me in a letter that he will not be able to make this race because of work committments. John Huft said he would like to make it but I have heard no update on that. I really expect this race to draw well. We have a three day hotel reservation and plan to do a little touring while we are there (Garden of the Gods, Pikes Peak, Air Force Academy, etc). my sights are on Mike Thompson and Dave Christman in the RV Blue (360 class. Currently the website shows the following 13 entries:

Race 74 Duncan Sutherland SX300 "Shadow" Sport
Rcde 57 Ray Edmiston F1 Rocket "Sweet Loraine" Sport FX
Race 36 Larry Henney Lancair 360 "Wildfire" RG Blue
Race 13 James Redmon Berkut 360 "Berkut 13" RG Blue
Race 26 Mike Thompson RV-6 "El Lento" RV Blue
Race 71 Bob Axsom RV-6A "Blue Bird" RV Blue
Race 526 Dave Christman RV-8 RV Blue
Race 34 Chris Murphy RV-4 RV Red
Race 95 Lars Oyno MCR-01 Sportsman
Race 37 Red Hamilton Wittman W10 FX Red
Race 77 Jim Huff Bonanza N35 "Whatabeech" FAC2RG
Race 448 Jim Porter Cirrus SR20 FAC3FX
Race 05 Henry Punzi Mooney M20C "Little Red Racer" FAC4RG

Bob Axsom
Two more RV Blues

I checked this morning at under Calendar of Events at the Who's In link under Colorado 150 and found that the blazing fast RV-8 of John Huft and Gary Haley's RV-7 are added to the entry list. That makes five (5) RV Blues and one (1) RV Red in the field of 15 entries. That gets the juices flowing. It would be great to see 20 or 30 RVs there at Denver. Still no work for the Pirahna or Alan Judy.

Bob Axsom
RV-red class

I have my sights on the RV-red season championship but it won't mean much if my plane is the only one racing in that class. Come on you 320 cubic inch RVs lets go racing.

RV Reds (320 cu. in.) are plentiful but still only one entry

There are now five RV Blue (360 cu. in.) entries now but still only one RV Red (320 cu. in.).

Bob Axsom

The following racers have registered for the
Colorado 150 Air Race as of 20 May, 2008:
Race # Name Aircraft Class
Race 74 Duncan Sutherland SX300 "Shadow" Sport
Race 57 Ray Edmiston F1 Rocket "Sweet Loraine" Sport FX
Race 36 Larry Henney Lancair 360 "Wildfire" RG Blue
Race 13 James Redmon Berkut 360 "Berkut 13" RG Blue
Race 18 John Huft RV-8 "Nuisance" RV Blue
Race 26 Mike Thompson RV-6 "El Lento" RV Blue
Race 71 Bob Axsom RV-6A "Blue Bird" RV Blue
Race 526 Dave Christman RV-8 RV Blue
Race 799 Gary Haley RV-7 RV Blue
Race 34 Chris Murphy RV-4 RV Red
Race 95 Lars Oyno MCR-01 Sportsman
Race 911 Burrall Sanders Cozy III "Stinger" FX Blue
Race 37 Red Hamilton Wittman W10 FX Red
Race 77 Jim Huff Bonanza N35 "Whatabeech" FAC2RG
Race 448 Jim Porter Cirrus SR20 FAC3FX
Race 05 Henry Punzi Mooney M20C "Little Red Racer" FAC4RG
Calling Pirranah to race at Colorado 150


I took this some time ago and yes it's fast.

Bud Pinkston is the owner. I think he may live at St. John Ks.

We would love to have this plane in the Colorado 150 if anyone can talk him into racing. If there is an insurance issue have him send me a PM. The race is at Fort Collins this year (2009) No Class B, no tower, just wide open space.

Race is open to all, Aug. 22nd 0700 check in.

Chris Murphy RACE 34