RV9A Bill

Well Known Member
90716 has been registered, inspected, and almost put back together. I am a first time builder(and last) and very slow. Much appreciation to Rick Liles, Russ Daves, Tanner Evans, my brother James, Rob Scott, and Darrell Vines. And to all the RV folks in Lubbock. Thanks for all the help along the way. First flight not far away now.
Bill welcome to the Club of Accomplished! Congratulations you will enjoy every minute of flying her.

Each one of these milestones is incredibly exciting. Soon you'll be flying her and exclaiming how you'll never want to fly spam cans again. :)

Bill, big congrats------------only a couple "firsts" left on the list:D
Bill - congratulations! I'm sure there were times it didn't look possible and sooner that you think, the long build will be a happy memory!