
Where do I begin? From the start, Nov 2005 empennage kit purchased and wing kit ordered, Dec 2006 Used Lyc O-360 purchased, Dec 2007 Fuselage kit ordered, June 2008, youngest son Robert (my master bucker) graduates HS and Oldest son Ryan graduates college, July 2009 Oldest son gets married, Jan 2010 Finish kit ordered, Sept 2010 Bucketload of avionics purchased, Dec 2010 Classic Aero Leather Heated Seats and interior, keep going there is a finish line. Feb 2011 Granddaughter born, Just installed used engine discovered with a cracked crankcase, remove disassemble and basically overhaul, Sept 2011 father passes away intending to be my first passenger. Keep going, cut canopy, fiberglass, epoxy, priming, painting. March 2012 wife has open heart surgery, keep going, move project to airport hangar, install wings, GASP drill rear spar attach bolt hole, Whew! more parts added, electrical wires terminated, systems tested, prelube engine, calibrate fuel tanks, Oh my gosh it starts and runs smoothly! Today a DAR accompanied by the FAA reviewed, prodded, poked, questioned and finally handed it over. 2,456 man hours, $66,899, 3,584 days (9years, 9 months, 24 days) Empty Weight 1053 or $63.53 a pound what a deal!
My wife says it looks like a pink slip, I said its because I have been laid off as a builder and must now be an operator
Side View

Before it was opened up for inspection.

40 years since I flew T34s at Pensacola, FL, my magic carpet time machine is about to be launched.
I like it!
Helped a friend restore a C model T-28 that was a VT-5 Saufley bird for while.
Same scheme, teeth and all.

Nice plane and great job plugging away and getting it done.

Fly lots,fly safe and post some great adventures. Blue skies.;)

Great story, and a reminder that life happens while we are working on these projects. I'm sure many of us can relate to your Dad passing away before being able to fly with you. It is hard but I am sure he was proud of you for what you have taken on and accomplished. Way to go! On to Phase 1.
Congratulations. The plane looks great and I am sure it will fly just that way as well. Now the fun really begins. Hope to see you at next years EAA or another flyin close to the upper midwest.
A Wordsmith!

Congratulations Dave...beautiful bird. I just finished reading a book about the "Marianas Turkey Shoot" so I have an even greater appreciation for those prop powered Navy planes of WWII.
Also, besides being an accomplished builder, you have a way with words and I appreciated your story.
Enjoy and be safe.

Sweet looking bird! As my old boss used to say: "the best job I ever had was *yours*". Looking forward to the flight reports.
Very nice! High five!

Looks great!....and all for $67K in parts, and $12,280 in labor, based on how we "charge" our build time....or $122,800 in labour based on our value when we're negotiating salaries!

So your cost is either $79,000 or $170,000...hmmm....how to value it for insurance purposes?

Either way, beautiful, affordable plane! Happy flying.
...or if you're a lawyer...

Forgot to mention the cost of the plane if you are a lawyer..... then you'd have $736,800 in labor for a total cost of $814K..... which is probably what it's really worth to you as the builder. Congrats!
Great Job

It really takes a special person to stick with it for such a long period of time like you have. I have been told that many aircraft are started by one person and then sold at least twice before completion.
I can see from the picture that the aircraft also looks great, much better than mine, you did well.

Life does have some curvds doesnt it. Glad to read wife is ok and kids along lifes way, now your turn. Fly that puppy and enjoy! For information sake I mirror the timeline just different events hope I finish mine this year:D

May CAVU follow every flight.

Another Dave