
Opulence, I has it...
David Gilmour or Doug Reeves...

Who exactly are we talking about here:

“Well, I get up at about 7:15. I wake up some children. Make breakfast. Change a nappy. Take a kid to school. Strum a guitar. Doodle in my recording studio some of the time. If the weather's nice I might fly an airplane. It's hard to describe what I do, but I never seem to have enough time to do it.”

Just wondering.:cool::)

Remember when you were young...

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Go flying and put on some Floyd while your up there. The experience will make you "Comfortably Numb.":eek:
When I was in High School I remember some contest where the winner could "Learn to Fly" with Pink Floyd, then keep the airplane..! I never heard much more about it...
Most of my more memorable flights are related to the music I was listening to at the time. A recent flight of touch n goes at the home field featured the Who's "Won't get Fooled Again". Just by chance, I was taxiing back to my hangar as the song was ending. I pulled the mixture just as the last of the five most famous power chords in rock history reverberated in my headset and the prop came to a stop at the same time Keith Moon bashed out the final drum beats. It was just a perfect moment. :)
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When we were river flyin, wire-hoppin kids we thought Johnny Winter was the ticket. Nowadays if I'm listening to music while I build it makes me want to stop & grab the telecaster so I build quiet & then play awhile.
He's a very nice guy


I had the pleasure of meeting Dave a while ago, during my years as a recording engineer. Even though I play the guitar and was curious about his recording techniques etc... we only talked airplanes. Me just having flown my Titan Tornado for the first time. Everyone else there wanted us to shut up about airplanes. Many did not know he flies. Steve Morse (also another fine guitar player) owns some nice airplanes.
Fascinating captain

I find it strange how many guitar players also fly. If only my hands were faster, my mind more fluid, I had more drive and talent,etc. Anyway, nothing warms up the old mitts in a cold shop like a pair of big fat 6L6 ST tubes.
I find it strange how many guitar players also fly. If only my hands were faster, my mind more fluid, I had more drive and talent,etc. Anyway, nothing warms up the old mitts in a cold shop like a pair of big fat 6L6 ST tubes.

Yeah, but those little EL-84s, that's a fat sound....
Is There Anybody In There?

I flew into Lodi, CA for breakfast a few years back and noticed a P-51 sunning itself at the other end of the field. Naturally, I walked over to have a peek and chat with a gentleman who appeared to be the lucky owner. As I got closer I noticed a very interesting name on the nose, Comfortably Numb. What a great name for a Mustang, I thought. I asked the gentleman the origin of the name and his answer was about as cool as the plane itself. He had purchased it from David Gilmour of Pink Floyd fame (yes, Gilmour was checked out in the P-51).