
Well Known Member
Does anyone on the list keep their RV a PIE, Clearwater Exec, Albert Whitted, or some other airport in or near Pinellas County Florida?

I may move my RV, and or my Taylorcraft L2 to one of those airports and I need to know if they are RV friendly or if there are issues that I should know about. My choice is probably between PIE and Albert Whitted at this time because of the limitations of Cleawater Exec.

Any input about these airports, experimental activity, airport manager attitude toward building in hangars, hangar availability, and other useful information will be appreciated.
Does anyone on the list keep their RV a PIE, Clearwater Exec, Albert Whitted, or some other airport in or near Pinellas County Florida?

I may move my RV, and or my Taylorcraft L2 to one of those airports and I need to know if they are RV friendly or if there are issues that I should know about. My choice is probably between PIE and Albert Whitted at this time because of the limitations of Cleawater Exec.

Any input about these airports, experimental activity, airport manager attitude toward building in hangars, hangar availability, and other useful information will be appreciated.

Hello Tony.
At this time, I keep my RV at BKV, Brooksville, FL.
My previous plane, a Piper Cherokee, was based at Albert Whitted, Clearwater exec, & Peter O'Knight.

All locations have long hangar waiting lists. Shade hangars lists are shorter.

SPG, Whitted, a beautiful airport, my CFI & ex-neighbor is the AOPA rep who was instrumental in saving the airport.
There's a few RVs based there.
Hangars are very expensive ~$575/month.

CLW, Clearwater has a couple RVs but also have night restrictions.
I had some problems with the manager when I was based there.

PIE, St Pete/Clearwater has RVs also, but I quess all airports do when you come down to it. You may do better here if you can get a hanger. The Landings(tenant owned) may have some availability.

I would add your name to all the hangar lists and see which one comes up first.

My hangar rental at BKV is $281, including tax. They are brand new and the list is not as long. We've got 4 RV's and some transiant RVs come in all the time. The airport authority is building 2 more rows of hangars right across from me. Send me a PM & I'll give you some contact info. You will need to rent from the county and not the FBO. The FBO rents old hangars for more money and the manager is very difficult to deal with.
Downside here is that it's quite a haul to get up here from pinellas park.
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You might also contact Charlie Brammer at Tampa North. Still a ways away from Pinellas, but just off of I-75. Several rows of new T-hangars were completed here in the last year. They're being offered for sale as condo units, but I think he may have a rental or two available. I'm building in mine and share it with friends who own a Pulsar XP. Plenty of room.

I'm just starting the wings on my -8, so it will be quite a while before I fly. When I'm ready, that flight will not likely happen out of here but probably BKV or ZPH. There's no local bias against experimentals, but housing off each runway end and a single runway make this a less than ideal location for the first flight of an experimental.

Feel free to give me a call at 614-264-0530 (cell).

Happy New Year


Thanks for the info about Tampa North. It is a pretty long haul from southern pinellas where I intend to be, but certainly worth keeping in mind in case I can't find anything closer.

Thanks for the info about Tampa North. It is a pretty long haul from southern pinellas where I intend to be, but certainly worth keeping in mind in case I can't find anything closer.

Hi Tony,
I talked to the people at Tampa North last week(stuck in traffic, decided to call), I was curious as they had a "for rent" sign out there.
They quoted me $600/month. I told them no thanks, for a single runway with a taxi-back.

As I told you in an earlier email, I pay $281 for a new hangar at BKV and they're building 3 more rows right now. It's still a long haul from Pinellas Park. The suncoast parkway makes it a little bit more palatable.
They quoted me $600/month.

Man, that is very pricey. I pay less than $300 for my current hangar near Orlando.

You could probaby get a hangar at SPG for that price, if one ever becomes available.
salt air

The only real big draw back I see at PIE and SPG is your surrounded by salt water. I have heard that the planes based there have MUCH more corrosion issues. Also the Fuel prices at PIE are crazy last I checked. I have a shade hanger for my Cessna at CLW and I really enjoy it. (Dan was two planes down from me Hi Dan!) Granted you can't fly out of CLW at night but how often you fly that late? Also your 70' above sea level. Last I hard there were a few open hangers at CLW. Several planes moved to ZPH and Tampa north.
salt air


That is a good point about the salt air. I frankly had not thought of that. Fuel prices are also an issue to take into account as you mentioned.

Do you know how much the hangar rentals are at CLW?

The only real big draw back I see at PIE and SPG is your surrounded by salt water. I have heard that the planes based there have MUCH more corrosion issues. Also the Fuel prices at PIE are crazy last I checked. I have a shade hanger for my Cessna at CLW and I really enjoy it. (Dan was two planes down from me Hi Dan!) Granted you can't fly out of CLW at night but how often you fly that late? Also your 70' above sea level. Last I hard there were a few open hangers at CLW. Several planes moved to ZPH and Tampa north.

Hi Bruce,
We need to get together for a flight sometime.
Is your tel# the same?
I'll call you to set up some time where we can go fly.
You may want to look at Manatee airport,nice grass field south side of Tampa bay.They have reasonable priced shade hangers ,short list closed hangers and RV's on field.

I just noticed this thread and thought I'd weigh in. I rent a hanger at PIE in the condo hangers at the approach end of rwy 22. I pay about $580 per month including tax. It is a great community. I'm building an RV-7A starting Phase 1 testing. Next to me is a guy with a great looking Baron. Across from me is a guy finishing his Lancair. There are a couple of Cozy's in the condos as well as a guy who seems to be restoring Super Cubs. Some guys seem to be restoring cars. One guy across from me works for EAA in advertising and flies his Archer out of there. There is an A&P a few doors down who volunteers his help readily.

I've been there 5 or 6 years and really enjoy the community. During Bucs games, I can walk over and talk to the crew of the blimp that is anchored there. The airport authority is easy to work with and I have never had any trouble with them. I like it there and would encourage others to try your luck finding a hanger. There is one for sale for $105K which is way overpriced.

PM me if you have any questions.

Bill Near